Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
l. Determination of required, ideal frequency response 
H(w) (see Fig. 1) — determination of cut — off frequency 
2. Calculation of infinite impulse response hı(n) via 
inverse transformation of ideal frequency response 
3. Truncating impulse response using a window function 
to receive finite and causal impulse response. The size of 
window is equal to the filter order. 
The impulse responses of a FIR filter are also the filter 
In the first phase a one-dimensional filter was elaborated, and 
then it was transformed to the 2-dimensional filter for the 3- 
dimensional space. The determined filter coefficients h(n/,n2) 
were used to filter the analysed topographical surface 
FFT testing and determination of the cut-off frequency 
Using FFT the amplitude spectrum and power spectrum is 
determined. From those graphs a concrete information 
characterizing the topographical surface in the frequency 
domain can be obtained. The example of periodogram is 
presented on Fig 2. 
Fourier Frequency Spectrum 
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Figure 2. The example of a periodogram 
The cut-off frequency can be determined by the graph analysis. 
That parameter posses the following properties (Hassan, 1988): 
eAt a low frequencies, below the cut-off frequency, the 
periodogram values come out mainly from the true 
elevations of the topographical surface 
eAt the frequencies close to the cut-off frequency the 
influence of noise (field objects) and the true terrain 
elevations is identical. 
e At the frequencies higher than the cut-off frequency, the 
periodogram values come out mainly from the noise. 
In this area of the periodogram mainly the small 
values appear, and the curve shape is rather irregular. 
Determination of the filter order using the geostatistical 
The innovative value of geostatistics, invented by George 
Matheron in Fontainebleau (France) in 1960-ies, consists in 
treating an analysed parameter, in our case it is the elevation, as 
a "regionalized variable" (Matheron, 1962, 1963). The values of 
that "regionalized variable" are a function of locations of 
measured points. The structure of variability is described in a 
synthetic form by the so-called semivariogram, which 
determines dependence between the average variance of the 
differences of elevation values (semivariance) and distances 
between the surveyed points. 
For a regular grid of measured points the semivariance values 
y(d) are given by equation: 
2.[z(x;) = zx; m dr 
y(d)- ^ (9) 
where  z(xj, z(x;td) — the elevations values in the points 
separated by the distance d 
n — the number pairs of surveyed points separated by 
distance d 
The semivariogram is a plot of semivariance as a function of 
distance between measured points (Fig. 3). 
A © 
y(d) «—— —» 
C +Co [77 m7 
Figure 3. A hypothetical semivariogram. C, - a local variability 
in the scale of a single sample, so-called the nugget 
effect; C - the sill value; @ - the influence range; d 
— distance (lag); (d) - semivariance 
To enable a quantitative assessment of variability of elevations 
on the tested surfaces, it is necessary to estimate the empirical 
semivariograms by the simple analytical functions, which can 
be treated as the geostatistical variability models. In 
geostatistics occur a number of semivariogram models, among 
others: linear, spherical, logarithmic, Gaussian, exponential, etc 
(David, 1998). The analysis of theoretical semivariograms 
provides the so-called range of influence c (see Fig. 3). The 
range can be used as a measure of spatial dependency. This 
range it is a greatest distance from the analysed point to the 
surrounding points, which have real influence on the value of 
the interpolated parameter assigned to the analysed point. In a 
more general sense, range of influence is used to predict 
optimal filter order for use in filtering. 
3.1 The test surfaces 
A laser data, concerning two test fields (Vaihingen/Enz, and 
Stuttgart), provided by the OEEPE project, were used (Pfeifer 
et al., 2001). The topographical surfaces of those two test fields 
are very rough, of diversified shape and field objects. 
In the both cases the first and last laser impulse reflection was 
registered together with the returned laser impulse intensity.

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