Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Imaging Inc.) the quality of the normalization process is 
It is, however, simple to perform a check of the epipolarity of 
the stereo images. for the purposes of this study, groups of 
conjugate points located at the extremities of the image were 
matched using a geometrically unconstrained matching 
algorithm. The matched points were then filtered to remove all 
points with a normalized cross correlation coefficient of less 
than 0.9. By comparing the y values (line numbers) of the 
remaining well-matched points, it was possible to assess the 
quality of the algorithm that has created the epipolar images. 
The results of the matching of the four groups of points are 
shown in table 1. 
Group of Number of RMS y Mean y 
points well-matched residual residual 
points (pixels) (pixels) 
Tartes 149 0.54 -0.40 
Top right of 69 0.57 0.44 
image : : 
Bottom fof 109 0.65 -0.51 
of image 
Bottom right 
E ? R En 4 
ven 82 0.73 0.44 
Table 1. Results of matching at extremities of the image pair. 
The results presented in table 1 clearly show that the alignment 
of the Melbourne stereopair to epipolar geometry is not exact: 
there is apparently a systematic shift in the y direction of 
approximately half a pixel between the two images. Thus, 
throughout the rest of this study a more loosely defined epipolar 
constraint has been used where the search space is limited not 
to one single line, but to a two dimensional area extending to 
one line on either side of the epipolar line. Since the matching 
process is more loosely constrained, the processing time 
necessarily increases. 
4.3 Alignment of non-epipolar images to epipolar geometry 
Since not all available Ikonos data is aligned to epipolar 
coordinates (as is the case with the San Diego data used in this 
study) the re-alignment of non-epipolar images to epipolar 
geometry was investigated. There are various methods available 
for achieving this, with some being more rigorous than others. 
Three possible methods include using the satellite ephemeris 
data (or strictly speaking, the image metadata), the fundamental 
matrix, or a second order polynomial model. 
Although the data supplier does not release detailed satellite 
orientation data, a small amount of limited image metadata is 
supplied with images. This data includes details such as the 
time of acquisition, the sun azimuth and elevation, the 
approximate scene location, but most importantly (to this study 
at least) is the satellite azimuth and elevation. Using these 
approximate values is it possible to estimate the angles of 
rotation required to align the stereopair to epipolar coordinates. 
However, the estimate is coarse and of unknown accuracy. 
Additionally, it does not take into account that the images are 
time-dependent linescanner images, and not frame photographs. 
An alternative, and much more rigorous approach, is to 
implicitly determine the relative geometry of the images and 
hence derive the fundamental matrix, thus allowing a direct 
mapping of points between the images (Luong and Faugeras, 
1996). Although this technique of determination of epipolar 
geometry is more commonly associated with computer vision 
than photogrammetry, there is no reason why it cannot be 
applied to Ikonos images. Unfortunately problems are not 
uncommon during the process of deriving the fundamental 
matrix, since instabilities in the solution can occur. Once again, 
this method does not account for the linescanner nature of the 
A third method of approximating the epipolar geometry 
between images, described by Zhang et al. (2002), is based ona 
second order polynomial model proposed by Orun and 
Natarajan (1994). The model assumes that during image 
acquisition the pitch and roll angles remain constant, but the 
yaw angle variation follows a second order polynomial. The 
result is an epipolar curve, rather than an epipolar line, defined 
by the quadratic polynomial: 
y, md t0 t) tr (d. x T y, Td: s. @) 
+X, tary, + IT 
where (x, vj) and (x,, v,) are conjugate points in the left and 
right images respectively, and ag to ag are parameters to be 
determined. As can be seen, each unique point in the left image 
can be associated with a unique epipolar curve in the right 
image: knowledge of the coordinates of a point in the left image 
allows an epipolar curve to be plotted, upon which the 
conjugate point will lie. The parameters ao to ag have to be 
determined in advance, which is done by substituting the 
coordinates of known conjugate points into equation (2) and 
solving as required. 
In order to validate the quality of the second order polynomial 
epipolar model, tests were carried out with the Melbourne 
stereo data, which are known to be already aligned to epipolar 
geometry. Initially 648 points were matched between the two 
images using a non-constrained hierarchical matching strategy. 
Of the 648 matched points, 108 were found to have cross 
correlation coefficients of greater than 0.95, implying well 
matched points. These 108 well matched points were then split 
into two groups, one of which (54 points) was used to calculate 
the parameters (ao to ag) of the second order polynomial model. 
Although only nine points are required to obtain the solution 
directly, 54 points provided a good deal of redundancy, and 
allowed the parameters to be estimated by a least squares 
method. The remaining 54 well matched points were used as 
check points to verify the accuracy of the second order 
polynomial model. By substituting the coordinates of the 
matched point from the left image (x; v;) into the model, along 
with the abscissa of the matched point from the right image (x,) 
a new value of y, was calculated and compared to the expected 
value (from the coordinates of the matched point in the right 
image). This process was repeated for all 54 check points. 
Consequently it was found that the root mean square 
discrepancy was marginally less than one pixel, implying that 
the second order polynomial epipolar model is sufficiently 
accurate to be used as a geometric constraint for matching non 
epipolar stereo images. 
Confident that the Melbourne images could be successfully 
aligned to epipolar coordinates, the San Diego images wert 
International Archive 
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similarly processed. . 
points (matched poi 
greater than 0.95) wi 
y This time a total 
estimation process. 
44 Affine projectis 
The affine project 
constraint. Rather th 
space, the search is li 
by generating a gric 
coincides with the c 
are sequentially proj 
being matched, using 
points are then matc 
The process is then 
object space point. 
component of the po: 
correlated match is fc 
good estimation of th 
S. M 
5.4 Candidate mat 
Selection of candi 
automatically. À regu 
images being matche 
set were georeferenc 
with each other), t 
considered as rough 
hence used in the fi 
method of initial poii 
and sufficiently acc 
52 Matching strate 
Throughout this st 
determining the conj 
matching and utilise 
similarity measure. S 
for matching point 
distributions, such a 
imagery where time 
small, no other matel 
matching or feature-b 
For each point to be 
image is repeatedly - 
locations around the 
extent and. frequency 
search space and step 
maximum value of th 
indicates a successfu 
Y. is given by: 
ley) == 
where g,, and Og are 
slave chips being m 
intersection of the m 
and Woods, 1992). 

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