Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

' B3. Istanbul 2004 
| approach, is to 
of the images and 
allowing a direct 
ong and Faugeras, 
nation of epipolar 
h computer vision 
why it cannot be 
problems are not 
> the fundamental 
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inner nature of the 
epipolar geometry 
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hat during image 
1 constant, but the 
r polynomial. The 
ipolar line, defined 
Y; tax. Q) 
nts in the left and 
' parameters to be 
nt in the left image 
curve in the right 
nt in the left image 
upon which the 
; to ag have to be 
y substituting the 
equation (2) and 
1 order polynomial 
th the Melbourne 
aligned to epipolar 
d between the two 
matching strategy. 
nd to have cross 
95, implying well 
ints were then split 
is used to calculate 
polynomial model. 
obtain the solution 
f redundancy, and 
'y a least squares 
points were used as 
the second order 
oordinates of the 
0 the model, along 
he right image (%), 
red to the expected 
| point in the right 
54 check points. 
oot mean Square 
ixel, implying that 
del is sufficiently 
for matching non- 
ld be successfully 
lego images were 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
similarly processed. As with the Melbourne data, well matched 
points (matched points with cross-correlation coefficients of 
greater than 0.95) were used to determine the parameters «y to 
as. This time a total of 34 points were used in the least squares 
estimation process. 
44 Affine projective model constraint 
The affine projective model constraint is an object space 
constraint. Rather than limiting the search to lines in image 
space, the search is limited to lines in object space. This is done 
by generating a grid of object space points (X, Y, Z) which 
coincides with the coverage of the stereomodel. These points 
are sequentially projected into the image space of both images 
being matched, using the appropriate affine model. The image 
points are then matched and the similarity measure recorded. 
The process is then repeated with a new value of Z for the 
object space point. The value of Z (basically the height 
component of the point in object space) is varied until a highly 
correlated match is found. At this point, the value of Z will be a 
good estimation of the height of the terrain. 
5.1 Candidate matching point selection 
Selection of candidate matching points was carried out 
automatically. A regular grid of points was projected across the 
images being matched. Since each pair of images in cach data 
set were georeferenced to ground coordinates (i.e. pre-aligned 
with each other), the projected grids of points could be 
considered as rough approximations of conjugate points, and 
hence used in the first stage of the matching algorithm. This 
method of initial point selection was found to be both efficient 
and sufficiently accurate for the matching strategies under 
52 Matching strategy 
Throughout this study, the matching strategy used for 
determining the conjugate points incorporates intensity-based 
matching and utilises the cross-correlation coefficient as a 
similarity measure. Since this is the most appropriate strategy 
for matching points in images with similar radiometric 
distributions, such as stereopairs of high resolution satellite 
imagery where time difference between image acquisition is 
small, no other matching methodologies (such as least squares 
matching or feature-based matching) were tested. 
For each point to be matched, an image chip from the master 
image is repeatedly projected into the slave image at various 
locations around the likely candidate match point (the spatial 
extent and frequency of these locations being defined by the 
search space and step size respectively). The location where the 
maximum value of the cross-correlation coefficient, y, is found 
indicates a successful match. The cross-correlation coefficient, 
Y is given by: 
O vis (3) 
yx y)- 
Where 0, and os are the standard deviations of the master and 
slave chips being matched and oe, is the covariance of the 
intersection of the master chip with the slave chip (Gonzalez 
and Woods, 1992). 
5.3 Hierarchical matching 
Hierarchical matching is a technique often used in image 
matching in order to reduce processing time. It has been 
incorporated into the matching strategy used in this study by 
repeating the matching process whilst progressively reducing 
the search space and the step size. In the first iteration a wide 
search space is used with a large step size. The result of the first 
iteration (a coarse match) is used as the approximation of the 
next iteration, where both the search space and the step size are 
decreased. The matching is then repeated, and the result (this 
time less coarse) is again passed to the next iteration. Thus in 
each iteration the matching results become progressively more 
refined, but processing time remains reasonable. The number of 
iterations used in the matching in this study was four. 
6.1 Analysis of correlation coefficients 
Using the methodology described above with the two geometric 
constraints (epipolar and affine), grids of points were matched 
in each of the test images. The matching results for these 
experiments are presented in table 2. 
: No. of matched 
Te ; 5 = No. ol i. 
l'est site Geometric ir points with 
points in : 
constraint M correlation 
2 coefficient > 0-8 
Melbourne Epipolar 58302 37473 (64-394) 
{spipalar) Affine 68199 43637 (64.094) 
San Diego Epipolar 17673 6240 (35.3%) 
(non-epipolar) Affine 18149 5613 (30.1%) 
Table 2. Matching results 
Table 2 shows the number of matched points with correlation 
coefficients greater than 0.8, and the corresponding percentages 
with respect to the total number of points matched, for each 
combination of image and matching constraint. A number of 
very interesting conclusions can be drawn from these results, 
since, as it can be seen, the epipolar constraint and the affine 
constraint give very similar results, but these results are very 
image dependent. 
The first important point to note is that use of the epipolar 
constraint based on the second order polynomial used with the 
San Diego data does not adversely affect the matching results. 
If this model had been incorrect, then the number of well 
matched points would have been much less than the 35% that 
was achieved. 
The second point to note is the effect of image content on the 
matching algorithm. The percentages of well matched points for 
the San Diego data are much lower than those for the 
Melbourne data. This could be due to a number of reasons. 
Firstly, the terrain varies much more steeply in the San Diego 
data, meaning object space features may appear ditterently in 
each of the images due to the differing incidence angle. 
Secondly, the steeply varying terrain causes differing solar 
reflections, meaning that ground features may have differing 
radiometric signatures in each image. Finally, and probably 
most importantly, the content of the San Diego images is very 

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