Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

B3. Istanbul 2004 
id survey, aero 
and DEM. 2D (X, 
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nbined matching 
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sy, (b) grid point 
square matching 
and (d) semi- 
| grid matching 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
based on the relaxation matching technique is performed 
on a PRISM stereo pair combined with any two viewing 
direction of the three images. The important aspect of this 
relaxation matching that differs from other area-based 
single point matching is its compatible coefficient 
function and its smoothness constraint satisfaction 
procedure. With the smoothness constraint, poor texture 
areas in the image can be bridged assuming the terrain 
surface varies smoothly over the image area. 
c ) Level 0 
Figure 3. Generated pyramid image 
Feature matching was firstly conducted on the highest pyramid 
level using the collinear equations with the approximate 
exterior orientation elements obtained from pre-triangulation 
based on a few GCPs. Meanwhile, a window tracking technique 
was used to pass the matched candidate points to the lower 
pyramid level for fine matching. Figure 4 shows the principle of 
our matching approach. 
Search o 07 
pyramid level 
Figure 4. Principle of window tracking. 
To find matches for the feature point, the epipolar geometric 
constrain in the forward and backward is used with the 
currently valid orientation parameters. All feature points within 
the search area are considered to be potential matches for the 
feature point in the nadir image. At the same time, we compute 
the conjugate point’s ground mapping coordinates using 
forward intersection through the combinations of Forward- 
Nadir, Forward-Backward, and Nadir-Backward. Only the 
combination whose computed ground mapping coordinates are 
the nearest is taken as the best match. The matched feature 
points will be verified in the next triangulation to check them 
intersect one point or not as Figure 5. 
Image point 
image line 
Image point / 
aget Backward 
image line 
Image point 
image line 
Figure 5. Concept of triplet-image matching for 
TLS imagery. 
To increase the accuracy of image measurements of feature 
points, the least square image matching was used in the final 
step of our matching approach. Semi-auto image matching was 
used for user to select points in image where fewer points were 
matched. The extracted feature points were used as tie points in 
next triangulation to get more accurate exterior orientation 
correction values or used as seed points to extract more random 
points for DEM generation after the triangulation. 
2.5 Generalized Bundle Adjustment 
A number of research work and applications for the 
photogrammetric adjustment of 3-line-imagery have been 
conducted (Chen et al., 2001; Lee et al., 2000; Ebner et al., 
1991 and 1992; Fraser and Shao, 1996; Frisch et al., 1998; 
Ebner et al., 1999; Kornus et al., 2000). The DGR (Direct Geo- 
Reference) method was adopted in our approach since on-board 
high precision GPS/IMU data could be used for PRISM 
imagery orientation. 
In the least square adjustment the GPS/IMU observation values 
as the approximate exterior orientation parameters, interior 
orientation parameters, ground control information and the 
image coordinates of the extracted conjugate points are 
considered as observations with corresponding standard 
deviations. From this information the unknowns (adjusted 
object point coordinates, adjusted offsets of GPS, alignments 
and drift errors of IMU) are derived. Additional unknowns are 
able to model a more camera motion. 
2.6 DEM Generation 
The generation of DEM involves the determination of conjugate 
points in the three image strips, the computation of object 
coordinates for these points and the interpolation of the object 
surface. To generating high accuracy DEM further information 

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