Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
200 — MAP 
0 4000 8000 
Figure 10. Cross sections of the DEMs (east-west and north- 
Aster provides a simple and effective method of DEM 
generation. The percentage of success is very large, due to the 
simultaneous acquisition of stereo data. The success of 
automatic stereo-matching is only limited in uniform areas such 
as water surfaces. However, in those cases editing is very 
DEM production is possible in remote areas that require 
medium scale topographic mapping. The typical vertical 
accuracy around 10 meters can easily be achieved using 
standard software packages. 
However, these packages require relatively large numbers of 
GCPs, in order to obtain properly geo-referenced DEMs. This 
may be a limitation due to the difficulty in GCP acquisition. A 
better use would be possible from position and attitude data 
provided with images. These data provides a very good a priori 
geo-location of images, with errors of few tens of meters. 
Simplifications in the sensor model for image orientation may 
be possible, requiring less ground control and keeping the same 
accuracy standards in DEM geo-referencing. 
References from Journals: 
Gugan, D. and I. Dowman, 1988. Topographic mapping from 
SPOT imagery. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote 
Sensing, 54 (10): 1409-1414. 
Hirano, A., R. Welch, H. Lang, 2003. Mapping from ASTER 
stereo image data: DEM validation and accuracy assessment. 
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 
57(2003), pp. 356-370. 
Kratky, V., 1989. On-line aspects of stereophotogrammetric 
processing of SPOT images. Photogrammetric Engineering and 
Remote Sensing, 55(3): 311-316. 
Toutin, T., Cheng, P, 2001. DEM Generation with ASTER 
Stereo Data. Earth Observation Magazine, June 2001. 
Westin, T., 1990. “Precision rectification of SPOT imagery”. 
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 56(2): 247- 
References from Other Literature: 
Dial, G., J. Grodecki, 2002. Block adjustment with rational 
polynomial camera models. ACSM-ASPRS 2002 Annual 
Conference Proceedings. Washington, D.C., USA, April 19-26 
ERSDAC, 2001. ASTER user guide — Level 1 Data Products 
Version 3.1. Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Centre. 
PCI, 2000. OrthoEngine V7.0 — User Manual. 
Spotimage, 2002. Spot Satellite Geometry Handbook 
(document S-NT-73-12-SI), Spotimage, 15-01-2002. 
Toutin, 1994. Multisource data integration with an integrated 
and unified image geometric modelling. Sensors and 
environmental applications (Proceedings of the 14th EARSel 
Symposium). 33 (2): 500-504. 
The ASTER images were provided by the Japanese Space 
Agency. The control DEM was provided by the "Instituto 
Geográfico do Exército", of the Portuguese Army. 
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