Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

stanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
reducing tremendously the amount and expenses of fieldwork 
RMS 7 Point- Line- Combined 
URASC based based | Point/Line 
X (m) 1.86 1.79 1.68 1.76 
Y (m) 1.76 1.65 1.56 1.66 
Table 11. RMS Values of 25 Check Points for IKONOS 
Panchromatic Image Using Point, Line, and Combined 
Point/Line Techniques 
1- Linear image features are significant source of information 
to facilitate image rectification process since they are 
abundant in human-made infrastructure, and are amenable 
to automatic feature extraction. 
2- Projective equations can be based on corresponding point 
features, corresponding straight lines features or 
combination of point/line features. 
3- Least squares adjustment techniques were developed for 
point, line, and combined point/ line-based projective 
4- The developed techniques were tested and analyzed by 
performing several experiments using aerial photograph and 
satellite imagery with various resolutions (LANDSAT7 
panchromatic (15m), SPOT4 panchromatic (10m) and 
mutlispectral (20m), IRS-ID panchromatic (5.8m), and 
IKONOS panchromatic (1m)). 
5- Results of the point-based projective equations technique 
were compared to those obtained from two well-known 
commercial software packages; Erdas Imagine version 8.5 
and Intergraph (Z/I Imaging) I/RASC version 8.4, and they 
proved equivalent. This confirmed the accuracy of the 
developed program. 
6- Experimental results of the line-based and combined 
point/line-based projective equations techniques were 
equivalent to those of the point-based projective equations. 
However, only 5 control lines (for the line-based technique) 
and 3 control line and 2 control points (for the combined 
point/line-based technique) were used to achieve those 
results, while an average of 25-30 control points were used 
to achieve the same results (for the point-based technique). 
This is very important to realize since it proves that, with 
line-based or combined point/line-based techniques, the 
number of control features can be reduced tremendously and 
still yield the same accuracy figures. This will lead to the 
reduction in the amount of field survey work and, thus, its 
cost and duration. 
7- Experimental results show the potential of using linear 
features for the rectification of the time-dependent satellite 
imagery. Study of specific geometry configuration of the 
line features is important. 
Research is continuing on the following: 
l-Use of geometric constraints between various linear 
features. This will provide substantial information in 
support of  photogrammetic restitution and image 
rectification process. 
2- Develop affine and polynomial equations (with different 
orders) using straight lines features. 
3- Develop mathematical models (affine, polynomial, and 
projective) using linear features in general and not only 
straight lines, such as conic sections (e.g., a circle on the 
ground and its projection as an ellipse on the image). 
4- Development of line-based and combined point/line-based 
for other  photogrammetic equations/conditions and 
mathematical models for image rectification. 
5- Experimentation to study the effects of various 
configurations of control lines (vertical, horizontal, parallel, 
etc), and combination of control points and lines on the 
performance of the developed technique. 
The authors would like to express their gratitude to Prof. Dr. 
Mona ElKady, Chair of the National Water Research Center, 
for her support and encouragement. Thanks are also due, Prof. 
Dr. Rafeek AbdelBari, the director of the Survey Research 
[Institute for granting the use of the software and the various 
satellite images in the experiments. 
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