Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photo; 
erammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 
. Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Example frames from thermal image videos with 
homography estimation overlaid: a) Video 1, oblique 
with very small field of view; b) Video II, oblique 
with still small field of view; c) Video Ill, forward 
looking, low flying and strong rotations. 
For Video I there was a ground-truth file containing pose 
estimates obtained by a priori GIS/INS recordings and posterior 
back-section with geo-referenced building models. This enabled 
the estimation of the projective distortion matrix and systematic 
offset like outlined in Sect. 2.5. The same distortion parameters 
were used for Video II. Video Ill was regarded as distortion- 
free (but with camera rotations). The outlier-rate and the 
standard deviations for inliers where estimated. Deviations are 
given in relation to the length of the measured vectors. Outliers 
are usually defined as having more than 100% deviation (except 
Video II with rotation, were 500% were used for f). 
Video I Video II Video III 
Rotation-included 100% 71% 32% 
Deviationt . | 385% 43% 
Deviationn — | ——— 64% 41% 
Deviation R= |  -——— 5% 10% 
Rotation-free 58% 16% 31% 
Deviation t 78% 38% 56% 
Deviation n 69% 39% 48% r 
Table 2. Deviations and outlier-rates 
4.2 Conclusion 
Particularly, if long focal lengths are used the estimation 
accuracy for the camera pose that can be achieved through full 
homography decomposition may be rather poor. With Video I it 
turned out a complete random number generator. Often INS- 
sensors are mounted on the same platform anyway that will 
give high precision. In these cases a rotation-free decomposition 
is favoured with the homography being a homology or an 
elation. The clation case is not exception because aircrafts are 
often operated at level that means with the epipole on the 
horizon. Therefore the eigen-space decomposition is not 
recommended. Instead the rotation free case allows estimating 
the epipole directly from the best sub-set of correspondences. 
Subsequently the plane parameters can be inferred linearly and 
unambiguously from the decomposition. Pose estimation by 
decomposing the homography of the image flow measures 
velocities over ground in relation to flight altitude and the 
absolute nadir direction (at least if the scene plane is levelled). 
It may complete other sensors like INS giving accelerations and 
rotations, GPS giving absolute locations, speed sensors giving 
speed in air, altimeters giving absolute height and magnetic 
compasses giving geographic direction. Special care has to be 
taken for non-projective distortions of the camera and lens, 
particularly with thermal cameras of the non-focal-plane-array 
type. Such distortions may well be misunderstood by the 
decomposition as rotations. It is desirable to calibrate a 
systematic offset from comparing the system to ground-truth. 
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