Istanbul 2004
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
Figure 2.3- Segmentation
Figure 2.4- Classification (roads)
2.3 Final DTM
Using the points derived from the last step, we can determine
the first approximation of the DTM, iteratively comparing the
DTM with the original DSM. If the height difference is less
than 0.3 meter the original DSM points are selected and added
to the DTM, whereupon the DTM is recalculated. This iterative
processing ends when the number of points added during the
present iteration is less than 100 points. Although some areas
(see area A figure 2.4) have no data, by the end of the
processing all DTM points have been added (figure 2.5). In
some cases, where there are no roads, we can manually add
seeds points to overcome the problem. The number of added
points gradually decreases in each iteration.
Total number of points in the DSM is : 466,652.
Number of points built the first approximate DTM is: 104,772.
Number of points was added is as follow:
First iteration: 50,807 points.
Second iteration: 25,759 points.
Third iteration: 8,981 points.
Total number of points added after 10 iterations : 163456.
The final result of the DTM is presented y figure 2.6.
Figure 2.5- All points data used to calculate the final DTM
Figure 2.6- The final DTM
3. Generating the DTM using the Robust method
with Orthogonal Polynomials.
3.1 The robust method outline
The essence of the robust method is computing the height of the
measured points by means of an interpolation function on the
basis of neighbouring points and comparing the resulting height
to the measured height. Points describing buildings will be
characterized by a large positive difference vs. surface points
characterized either by a large negative or a small positive
difference. For computing a new height of a certain point, use is
made of a bi-dimensional interpolation function, the
coefficients of which will be extracted by a correlation process
in which all the points within a certain radios around the point
under consideration will take part. For a function of higher
order, a singularity in the coefficient matrix is possible; the
resulting solution (if resulting at all) is unstable and influenced
by the measurement errors.
Using orthogonal polynomials will permit the usage of
interpolation functions of the polynomial kind, with no
restriction on the degree of the polynomial, this make it easier
to remove building or other objects from the DTM.
The process is iterative, where in each iteration a smaller AH
(difference between original points and the polynomial) is set.
The same processing is made in two directions and the final
DTM is a combination between the two.