. Istanbul 2004
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
4.1 Assessment
The quality of the modelling results of the described technique
depends on the data quality and the complexity of the building,
which is to be modelled. In the following, the results are
classified as correctly modelled buildings, partially correctly
modelled buildings and incorrectly modelled buildings. The
main reasons for incorrectly modelled buildings are:
a) Gapsin the point clouds
b) Strong dispersion of the points due to certain roof
characteristics or by height misalignment in case of
multiple flight strips
c) Buildings that are built into the slope and false
surfaces that result from this situation
d) Very small buildings with only few points
e) Small pitch roofs
Figure 3-6: As VRML models visualised buildings
For the determination of the correctness of the buildings
generated with the proposed method the Swiss data set was
used. The probe contains a total of 229 point clouds, 29% of
the point clouds were not modelled, 9% of the buildings
were modelled with small errors, and 62% of the buildings
were modelled successfully.
The procedure is characterised by a short computation time.
The computation time of one point cloud with about 300
points is in average 0.1 seconds using a Pentium 4 (1.6 GHz)
and 256 MB RAM.
4.2 Analysis of the modelled details
The level of detail in the modelled buildings depends on the
relationship of the feature size to the point density of the laser
scanner data as well as of the set parameters of the thinning
procedure. The practical testes have shown that a minimum of
ten points per plane is required, in order to be able to find a line
representing the plane. In addition to the detectability of
planes, the definition of the plane outline becomes rather vague
if only few points represent a plane.
With a point density of approximate one point per square meter
(Swiss data set) this means that only surfaces with a minimal
size of approximately ten square meters can be modelled. A
larger point density (data set of Freiberg) does not necessarily
mean an increase of the detail recognizability, since the data in
this case are also thinned out more in the current
implementation of the method.
The procedure tends to a certain generalization. Smaller details
such as dormers or chimneys are usually not modelled. Still,
the method is less susceptible to strong dispersions in the laser
data or insufficient strip adjustment between individual flight
4.3 Comparison with terrestrial measurements
To determine the geometric accuracy of the modelled buildings
the coordinates of all comer points of the modelled building
were compared to terrestrial measurements for these points.
The mean difference between the modelled and measured
corner points is + 0.46m in position and + 0.25 m in the height.
The accuracy in height is better than the position accuracy.
This is due to the better height accuracy of the laser points. For
the position accuracy of the modelled corner coordinates the
major restriction is posed by the point density (average point
distance approximate 1 m).
The method is suitable for the modelling of the most important
basic building types as well as for simple combinations of
those. Advantages of the procedure are to be seen in the
effective computation and small sensitivity to sub-optimalities
in the laser scanner data. A wide range of point densities can be
processed. A disadvantage of the method lies in the necessity
of thinning out data for proper line detection and the loss in
small detail associated with it.
Figure 5-1: Example of reconstructed building models in a
virtual village