Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, 
Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Two options to obtain the epipolar geometry of the stereo model 
have been shown. While the first one requires two homography 
matrices for the recovery of the fundamental matrix and the last 
require only one, but provide two different solutions. Both 
options lead to the need of at least two planar curves to get 
unique solution. Equation (9) provides 6 linear equations for 
each homography matrix so Least squares adjustment has to be 
performed having two or more homography matrices. Equations 
(14) provide two solutions for R and T for each homography 
matrix. When having more than one homography matrix we 
need some elimination procedures to get the right solution. 
Two methods for recovering the relative orientation parameters 
from free-form planar curves have been presented and tested. 
While both perform quite well in most cases, the homography- 
based algorithm exhibited more robust behavior in terms of not 
being sensitive to some singular configurations observed for the 
alternative method. A forthcoming paper on the subject will 
present a more thorough analysis. of the aforementioned 
methods including experiments with real data. 
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