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003. STAR-3i
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Proceedings of
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gital elevation
using airborne
Conference, St.
Using break line information in filtering process of a Digital Surface Model
BADEA Dragos * , Acad. Dr. Ing. JACOBSEN Karsten **
*Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest Romania,
Faculty of Geodesy — Laboratory of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
** Universitat Hannover
Institut for Photogrammetry and GeoInformation
KEY WORDS: photogrammetry, DEM/DTM, LIDAR, Raster, Generation, Method, Three-dimensional.
The most important factor that everyone cares is that of the similarity of digital representations with the real terrain surface.
The problem occurs when you try to eliminate off-terrain points like manmade objects and trees. Those objects not belonging to the bare
earth can be eliminated through different filter methods. In a flat area, an object can be detected by an algorithm which analyses the height
of the points in relation to the surrounding area. But, what is happening vhen the terrain surface is not flat? The same algorithm is not
anymore suited to filter off-terrain objects from the area with the same threshold. You can have the surprise that this filter will eliminate
points from bare earth surface. And you have to find a different approach to the problem.
This paper-work demonstrate the benefits brought by introduction of break lines in filtering the Digital Surface Model to achieve a more
accurate Digital Height Model.
The methods of filtering and generation of DHM we use, were developed and implemented in software at Institute of Photogrammetry
and Geolnformation at the University of Hannover (IPI).
In this study, Lidar is used for terrain data collection
technique i.e. photogrammetry, for generation of Digital Height
Model (DHM).
A pulsed laser ranging system is mounted in an aircraft equipped
with a precise kinematic GPS receiver and an Inertial Navigation
System (INS). The signal is sent towards the earth where it is
reflected by a feature back towards the aircraft. A receiver then
captures the return pulse. Using accurate timing, the distance to the
feature can be measured. By knowing a speed of the light and the
time the signal takes to travel from the aircraft to the object and
back to the aircraft, he distances can be computed. Using a
rotating mirror inside the laser transmitter, the laser pulses can be
made to sweep through an angle, tracing out a line on the ground.
By reversing the direction of rotation at a selected angular interval,
the laser pulses can be made to scan back and forth along a line.
Errors in the location and orientation of the aircraft, the beam
director angle, atmospheric refraction model and several other
sources degrade the co-ordinates of the surface point to 5 to 10
centimetres . An accuracy validation study showed that Lidar has
the vertical accuracy of 10-20 centimetres and the horizontal
accuracy of approximately 1 meter.
Obtaining DHM from Lidar data
Among their advantages, these systems afford the
opportunity to collect terrain data about steep slopes and
shadowed and inaccessible areas (such as large mud flats and tidal
areas). Following the initial post processing and positional
assurance, the Lidar data are filtered for noise removal and
prepared as a file of x,y,z points.
Figure 1 Theoretical pulse emitted from a Lidar system
The imagery can be used to add break lines to the Lidar data to
reveal the terrain more accurately.
A method for the generation of DHM from airborne
Lidar data is presented which was developed at IPI. The method
distinguishes itself by using the filter in the same time with
The original data obtained by ALS express the surface of ground
objects, not only the ground surface but also trees and roofs of
buildings. These data are called digital surface model (DSM). It is
“necessary to distinguish these ground objects and to create a digital
height model (DHM) that expresses the ground elevation by