International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
removing trees and buildings from DSM. This process is called
"filtering." The manual refinement is time consuming. The strategy
for automatic filtering is based on a combination of geometric
conditions together with Linear Prediction. The filtering was
applied to photogrammetric acquired data via automatic image
Figure 2: DSM - Yellow points belonging to surface of objects.
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Figure 3: DHM - Only red points — belonging to bare earth
Digitized lines that define critical changes (natural or
manmade) in topographical shape. The most important reason
why break lines should be located in global object reconstruction is
the demand to keep the number of unknown geometric, DEM
parameters low so that large image areas could be processed
simultaneously and as fast as possible. As in the least squares
adjustment the size and the structure of the normal equation matrix
depend on the unknown quantities, and as the object surface
elements can be eliminated in the matching, the amount of
unknowns depends mostly on the number of DEM grid points.
Beside the largest errors of the matching occur due to break lines
when a continuous model is used in object surface reconstruction.
Thus, if a continuous model is used without considering break lines,
the result of the image matching is not reliable especially at break
line locations. These reasons imply that in global object
reconstruction break lines should be detected at first so that break
line areas could be better modelled.
Thus, break lines can be detected by computing one ortho-image
per aerial input image and the difference (or deviation image in case
of more than two input images) ortho-image at the same mage
pyramid level, and interpreting large differences between the ortho-
images as defects in the geometric model originating, e.g., from not
modelled break lines.
For the interpolation we use the *moving plane" method. The plane
is stopping at the break line, and will not eliminate the points
beyond it. (see figure below).
The laser scanner data are a point cloud without structural
information. A qualified terrain model, on the other hand, exists in
the inclusion of structure lines, especially break lines. A terrain
model, integrating a close dawn grid (raster data) and structure
lines (vector data) , is called hybrid DHM. The raster data as well
as the vector data is smoothed, the hybrid DHM shows
discontinuities in the first derivation at the break lines.
The solution found, combines filtering and interpolation of terrain.
Is called a robust interpolation or robust linear prediction. The
algorithm is embedded in a hierarchical approach, however, the
filtering of the laser scanner data on one level will be described
first. In this Algorithm a rough approximation of the surface is
computed first. Next, the residuals, i.e. the oriented distances from
the surface to the measured points are computed. Each (z)
measurement is given a weight according to its distance value,
which is the parameter of a weight function. The surface is then
recomputed under the consideration of the weights. A point with a
height weight will attract the surface, resulting in a small residual at
this point, whereas a point that has been assigned a low weight will
have little influence to the figure of the surface. If an oriented
distance is above certain value, the point is classified as off-terrain
point and eliminated completely from this surface interpolation. This
process of weight iteration is repeated until all gross are eliminated
or a maximum number of iterations is reached. Program
RASCOR we maximum 2 iterations. The reason for this limitation
is that more itterations will result in a very smooth earth surface due
to the risk of elimination of too many points.
For the interpolation we use linear prediction. In this method the
classification and DHM generation are performed in one step,
there is no assumption that the terrain is horizontal. It is applied
patch wise to the data, which result is an adaptive setting of the
shift origin of the weight function. Furthermore, the base are
determined for each patch separately, too. The process yields a
smooth surface, that means the accidental (random) measurement
errors have also been filtered.
However, the algorithm relies on a “good mixture” of ground and
off-terrain (vegetation) points, which can also be seen as a high
frequency of change from change from ground to vegetation points.
This is necessary for a reliable determination of the shift value for
the origin of the weight function. In this high frequency is not given,
we need to provide the nput data in a suitable form. This can be
achieved by inserting the robust linear prediction in a hierarchic
On the right is the DHM derived by the linear prediction without
any manual intervention.
Figure 4 Surface interpolated using the original data. DHM
derived by the filtered data.
RASCOR is a program developed for automatic
improvement of digital surface models to digital elevation models
(raster data set).
Program RASCOR can analyze, improve, smooth and interpolate
a digital elevation model (DEM) which may be created by
automatic image matching or laser scanning (LIDAR) in an equal
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