Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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Detection and 
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DAR technology 
Thus, this study 
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LIDAR products, 
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Luis Alves-SC- 
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of study area. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 1 — Orthophotos mosaic of study area. 
Thus, this study aim at to contribute for a) LIDAR technology, 
and b) the evaluation of your utilization. For this was made use 
of LIDAR products, of orthophotos mosaic and of both 
integration for the thematic analysis of a highway stretch. 
Research available materials were: pos-processed LIDAR 
products file, flight altitude 1,000m, realized in November of 
2002; digitasl ortophoto mosaic, flight scale 1:15,000 and 
scanerized with 0,40m pixel size realized in March of 2002; 
aerophotogrammetric retitution in 1:5,000 scale. 
Steps developed during the research they are described forward. 
Therefore after, each one is explained. 
3.1 LIDAR data treatment; 
3.2 land use surveying using photointerpretation; 
3.3 generation of Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and Digital 
Surface Model (DSM); 
3.4 creation of slope map; 
3.5 thematic analysis of study area. 
3.1 LIDAR data treatment 
LIDAR data are in three groups: a) calibration data and 
installation parameters (obtained before the flight), b) measures 
of laser distances with your respective scanning angles and c) 
POS data. Those data are processed and integrated, being 
obtained at the end of this stage a LIDAR point cloud, 
traditionally presented three-dimensional coordinates in WGS- 
84 system and LIDAR pulse registration. To differentiate which 
information correspond to relief or any other geographical 
phenomenon or object present in studied surface, is necessary 
to accomplish a data treatment. In case of this study, treatment 
was accomplished in three main stages: filtering, classification 
and manual edition of points cloud. 
The filtering and classification definition happens in agreement 
with objective to be reached and not with employed method. 
Removal of underisable points is considered a filtering 
operation. Already the task of finding a specific geometric or 
statistics structure, as buildings or vegetation, is defined as 
classification (AXELSSON, 1999). Steep of manual edition was 
added to data treatment being taken in consideration that the 
automatic filtering and classification method for own algorithms 
for this end were not capable to present satisfactory results. 
To generate a DTM that represents the bare earth in the closest 
way of the reality, the correct definition of this surface in 
LIDAR points cloud is indispensable. This does of treatment a 
very important task and that influences excessively in DTM. 
final quality. 
Figure 2 show the developed flow chart for LIDAR data 
treatment and cach stage explanation in sequence. 
Figure 2. Flow chart of LIDAR data treatment. 
Treatment of LIDAR data: 
1) Pos-processed LIDAR point clouds: all LIDAR datas Pos- 
processed are considered properly georreferenciados without 
filtering or additional analysis. 
2) Study area cutting: initially, LIDAR points files were cut out 
to coincide with orthophotos mosaic that defines direct 
influence area of environmental impacts. The cutting resulted in 
a file with 582.407 points. 
3) Filtering: an automatic filtragem LIDAR points cloud was 
accomplished aiming at separating bare earth points and object 
points. Filtering was made in TerraScan program, that possesses 
a specific tool for this task. The parameters for tool use (terrain 
angle, interaction angle and distance) were defined based in 
result analysis of dozens filtering tests accomplished in study 
area being used different parameters. 
4) Classification: in LIDAR points cloud classification defined 
in filtering as not belonging to bare earth three layers were 
created separating principal elements found in study area: 
vegetation, buildings and others (transmission lines and towers). 
The main objective of classification went to aid to find points 
belonging to bare earth that were erroneously defined as objects 
in the filtering process. 
5) Manual edition: in this stage, group of automatically filtered 
and classified points were analyzed in ArcView GIS. For 
AXELSSON (1999), in many cases are impossible to LIDAR 
data interpret unless images are available. The laser points were 
put upon to LIDAR intensity image and orthophotos mosaic to 
identify possible erroneously filtered and classified points for 

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