Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

B3. Istanbul 2004 
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R point filtering, 
study area. The 
in orange color, 
ferring points to 
in purple color 
its as bare earth 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Layer Points Points Number | Percentual 
before after points difference 
manual manual difference | between 1 
edition (1) | edition (2) (1-2) ea 
Rare 137.701 143.470 | -5769 - 420 
Buildings 8.423 5840 2583 30,67 
een 434887 | 430518 ] "4372 1.00 
Other - 1186 - - 
Total 581.011 581.011 E s 
Table 2. Comparision between points defined as bare earth 
and layers befor and after manual edition. 
4.2 Land use surveying 
Land use surveiyng made in this study is referred to February of 
2002, period of aerial photographies taking. 
Through the orthophotos mosaic analysis it was possible to 
define the land use for influence direct and directly affected 
area for the highway construction. It was possible the 
identification of improvements as buildings. The LIDAR sensor 
coming served as complement to orthophotos mosaic for 
surveying of land use. Shade areas in orthophotos mosaic could 
be analyzed in LIDAR intensity image and in traverse cuts in 
3D points file. In areas with vegetation where was doubts with 
relationship to class definition, it can differ thin vegetation and 
dense vegetation with base in observation and measurement of 
laser point height and density. 
4.3 generation of DTM and DSM of study area 
The model of Figure 4, where a TIN was generated from 
contour lines with spacing of 5 m obtained by 
aerophotogrammetry restitution left to want with relationship to 
plasticity, but it presents natural breaklines (as streams) very 
Figure 4. Part of DTM generated from aerophotogrammetric 
Figure 5 show part of a DTM obtained in same area of figure 4, 
derived from LIDAR points. Due to high points density of 
commercial systems available today, it presents as 
characteristic the high plasticity. On the other hand, it presents 
artificial depressions (due to points filtered and/or classified 
erroneously by the algorithms as bare earth) and " natural 
breaklines " don't appear. 
Figure 5. Part of DTM generated from LIDAR points. 
DTM generated from integration of LIDAR points and 
aerophotogrammetric restitution elements (figure 6) it had for 
objective to join characteristics of two previously produced 
models: the high plasticity and density of dtm obtained from 
LIDAR points and the morphologic quality of DTM obtained 
from aerophotogrammetric restitution. Areas in DTM borders 
should not be considered, therefore they present inherent 
mistakes to TIN structure construction. To avoid this, is always 
due to cut out a larger area than the one that will be analyzed 
and to accomplish the cut after TIN structure construction. 
DTM generated from integration of LIDAR points and 
aerophotogrammetric retitution elements it was chosen to be 
used in the subsequent stages of study. 
Figure 6. Part of DTM generated from integration of 
LIDAR points and  aerophotogrammetric restitution 
Comparison among altitude measures obtained with LIDAR 
sensor and for aerophotogrammetry: With the objective of doing 
a comparison among altitude measures of bare earth LIDAR 
points with the coming contour lines in aerophotogrammetric 
restitution, altitudes of two models were measured at several 
places in study area. It was determined LIDAR located in 
classes that it composes the land use map and exactly where 
passed the 5 in Sm contour lines presents in 
aerophotogrammetric restitution to avoid of contour lines values 
interpolation. In ArcView GIS, were put on the themes " mosaic 
" restitution " and " DTM LIDAR points". 

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