Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

3. Istanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
and intersected. The ideal algorithm for this task should be able 
to give good results for any combination of roofs. The simplest 
application would be a gable roof and the more difficult one 
multiple detached houses with different roof types. The 
workflow of the intersection procedure consists of three steps: 
finding dormers, intersect ridges and intersect sides and 
bottoms. At each stage the intersected couple is assigned a 
code. There is the dormer type that means a smaller plane is 
located within the x-y-projection of a larger one. A couple 
would be two roof planes intersecting at the top forming a ridge. 
A neighbour would be any other adjacent plane. Also, a basic 
rule was set: Once gained intersection lines remain as they are. 
Only the corner coordinates can be moved on this line. 
The task of the first step, detection of any flat dormers, is to find 
planes with similar parameters that are within each other. That 
means more than 80% of the laser points of the smaller plane 
are shared with the larger plane. If the lower edge of the 
smaller plane is at least 50cm above the larger plane, the smaller 
plane is intersected at the top creating a horizontal intersection 
line. Should these circumstances not apply, the smaller plane is 
discarded. The larger plane always remains as it is. 
a) b) 
Figure 3-5. Examples of buildings with sideways-connected 
roof faces 
In a second step, those planes are associated that should be 
intersected at the ridge. In the case that two planes have been 
extracted a gable roof is presumed. The planes are intersected 
and the new corner coordinates of the ridge are saved. If there 
are more than two planes it is presumed that at least two of them 
form a gable roof. So, all roof faces are checked if there is/are 
one or more partners with opposite orientation that is/are within 
a certain distance and that has/have an overlapping area with the 
roof face worked on. These partners are listed in descending 
order by there overlapping area. Intersecting first those planes 
with the longest overlapping area will create the ridge of the 
two roof faces. Other bordering partners are intersected with 
the appropriate roof side. If no partner was found or none exists 
there will be, of course, no intersection. After the intersection 
of both planes the caves at the gable side are trimmed. That 
means a least square line is calculated through the outer points 
of each gable side. 
The third step is the intersection (Figure 3-5 a) and trimming 
(Figure 3-5 b) of sideways neighbouring planes. The difficulty 
here is to find a scheme that can be applied to any number of 
roof planes and the result will always be acceptable. The 
strategy that has been developed is as follows: First, all the roof 
planes are sorted in descending order by their size. To each 
plane the adjacent planes are detected and their connection type 
recognised. All neighbouring planes are also sorted by their 
size. The intersection starts with the largest plane and its largest 
neighbour. Basically, three different intersection cases can 
occur. Figure 3-6 illustrates them. 
In cases a) and c) of Figure 3-6 all other adjacent sides have to 
be intersected. In case b) only the planes II and I are to be 
intersected. To accomplish this, the plane pair that is to be 
intersected is checked, whether one of the planes has a couple 
partner (forms a ridge with another plane) that is also an 
adjacent plane to the other plane or not. If not (Figure 3-6 c)) 
the adjacent sides are blended. In the other cases, for instance 
in Figure 3-6 b), plane Il and I is a couple and both are adjacent 
to plane II. The same situation can be seen in Figure 3-6 a). 
Here, the plan is that plane III of Figure 3-6 b) should not be 
altered, but plane IIl of Figure 3-6 a) is to be intersected with 
the couple II, I. 
a) b) c) 
IH | IV 
Figure 3-6. Types of possible sideway intersection 
As the algorithm has to make the decision without knowledge of 
the buildings shape, a rule has to be set defining when to 
intersect all three planes or just plane II and I. If after 
intersecting all three planes with each other, one of them is 
enclosed below the other two planes (that would be the case for 
plane III of Figure 3-6 b), this one should keep its original 
corner coordinates. Failing that, the appropriate sides of the 
three planes are blended. 
Trimming planes is taken here as extending the sides of two 
adjacent parallel planes that are close to each other in a way that 
they can be connected with a vertical wall. 
In some cases, such as storehouses, it is necessary to intersect 
the lower roof sides, the gutters, as well. This procedure is 
similar to the others. Planes next to each other with opposite 
orientations that are not a couple are intersected and the new 
lower end points are saved. 
If all intersection steps are finished, walls are added to the 
building model. A wall element is created to each side of the 
roof faces that has not been intersected. The roof's eaves give 
the top line of the walls. The lower edge of the wall is derived 
form the DTM of the building's surrounding. The lowest point 
is chosen in order to please the eye in visualisations where also 
the terrain model is included. The reconstructed building model 
is now complete. 
The ground plan of the building is obtained by creating a 
polygon that follows the top lines of the walls. 
The reconstructed building model is valuable information for 
many visualisation tasks. For mapping agencies not just the 3D 
information of the building is of interest, but also the accuracy 
of the determined roof outline and ridge end points. This 
section will first give information about the success of the 
modelling procedure, measured by how many buildings have 
been reconstructed correctly. In the second part, the 
reconstructed roofs are verified regarding the geometrical 
accuracy of the corner coordinates of each roof face and the 
fittingness of the roof plane in the laser point cloud. 
4.1 Correctness of reconstructed roofs 
The results of the building model reconstruction were divided 
into three groups: correct, partly correct and incorrect. A roof 
model is correctly reconstructed if the number and outlines of 
cach roof face corresponds to the real building. Figure 4-1 and 
5-1 are examples of that. In a partly correct reconstructed 

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