Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

jects belonging 
sensors makes 
orithm has been 
Digital Terrain 
ot the ground is 
gorithm moves 
ated ground and 
| ground surface 
al DTM will be 
roceed relevant 
s with different 
ze over a DEM. 
eir belonging to 
it in the applied 
round, whereas 
ind points. 
elt, 1995). The 
h a mask in as- 
orresponds to a 
rived using this 
non-ground ob- 
ach may be ex- 
y means of air- 
, Z), the dilation 
ined as: 
in (Guy: 201) 
(z,y,2) and 
described dual- 
t al., 2003) ina 
rs increase (ex- 
ies of recursive 
und if the ele- 
ation k and the 
that depends on 
1998) is based 
erage surface to 
given a weight 
eter of a weight 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
function. The surface is then recomputed under the consideration 
of the weights. Intuitively, it is assumed that terrain points are 
more likely to have negative residuals, whereas vegetation (build- 
ings) points are more likely to have positive residuals. During 
these iterations a classification is performed. If an oriented dis- 
tance is above a certain value, the point is classified as off-terrain 
point and eliminated completely from this surface interpolation. 
Lee (Lee and Younan, 2003) modified the previous method by im- 
plementing an adaptive prediction technique for extracting DTMs 
of the ground surface underlying vegetation. According to the au- 
thors, this technique offers, in general, a better tracking capability 
in the extraction of bare Earth models with steep slopes and large 
Surface based 
An other approach was introduced in (Axelsson, 1999) based on 
the connection of a surface from below the point cloud. This sur- 
face is connected to the ground points using different criteria such 
as the Minimum Length Description (MDL), constrained spline 
functions or snakes. All criteria are meant to manage the possible 
shapes and hence the fluctuations of the resulting surface. The 
active shape models were first applied to Lidar data in (Elmqvist 
et al., 2001) and (Elmqvist, 2002). Raw data are first re-sampled 
over a regular grid, the ground surface is then estimated with the 
minimization of a defined energy which depends on the inter- 
nal behavior of the surface, on a data term and on other external 
forces. According to the author, this algorithm is very robust, and 
it works on data of different types of terrain. 
An other method which is continuously adaptive to terrain sur- 
face variations has been developed (Sohn and Dowman, 2002). It 
aims to recursively divide the LIDAR data into a set of piecewise 
planar surface models in order to underly terrain slope variations 
regularized into homogeneous plane terrain. The authors used 
a downward divide-and-conquer triangulation to run in the point 
The slope-based filter uses the slope of the line between any two 
points in a point set as the criteria for classifying ground points 
(Vosselman, 2000). If the slope exceeds a certain threshold then 
the highest point is assumed to belong to an object. This filter 
was modified so that the threshold should vary with respect to the 
slope terrain (Sithole, 2001). 
The algorithm is based on a bipartite voting process. A laser 
point will be labeled several times either as ground or non-ground 
points until the most represented label be affected to the final clas- 
sified point. Following the propagated direction (section 3.1), an 
estimation of the ground is performed (section 3.2). This prime 
DTM is then refined by using an energy minimization algorithm 
so that the final DTM should be as accurate as we may expect 
from laser data. 
3.1 Propagation 
The propagation mechanism consists of moving onto a regular 
geocoded grid. Starting from the cell whereupon the lowest laser 
point is included, the algorithm explores his 4 non-visited grid 
neighbors (4-connexity). It then extracts the corresponding laser 
neighbors V (equation 2) and insert both their average altitude 
and their position in a sorted (ascending order) container struc- 
/ = = [conter = Tul < C 9 
j Ux Uk 1 [o zt ra < e } Q) 
2k kEN 
where ly, is a laser point, (X center; Ycenter ) is the planimetric cen- 
ter of the neighborhood and C is a constant. The algorithm prop- 
agates itself toward the lower feature of this structure. Figure 1 
sketches the behavior of the propagation: black cells have already 
been visited whereas gray ones are potential candidates. 
Figure 1: Aspect of the propagation on a geocoded grid. Black 
cells have already been visited whereas gray ones are potential 
3.2 Segregating bare/non-bare earth points 
How a laser point is temporary classified as a terrain point? An 
altimetric difference 1s calculated between the z component of 
the laser point and the estimated terrain elevation at this place 
(round local). This estimation is a mean of the 2096 lowest 
laser points of the neighborhood. If the difference is less than a 
fixed threshold (say 50cm), the point is considered to belong to 
the terrain. A new estimation of the terrain height is then com- 
puted (mean of points classified as ground) taking into account 
the new ground laser point. If the difference is larger, the point 
is classified as a non-ground point. This calculation is performed 
until all laser points belonging to Vi,; ((?, j) are the coordinates 
of the geocoded grid) be processed. A prime DTM (denoted 
Sin in this paper) is then filled at (7, 7) with the ground value 
Zorou nd local: 
The algorithm has its own error self detector which will un- 
derline both erroneous ground estimations and 3D-point mis- 
classification. This detector is based on the comparison between 
the average local elevation of the ground 2 round local OF Sui 
(3 x 3 window size without the central cell, see Figure 2(a)) and 
the above calculated Zground tocat. A point classified as ground 
will be detected if the local slope is larger than arctan ak, where 
R is the resolution of S;n and Ah is the altitude difference. We 
therefore apply a linear correction (equation 3) to the current 
ground elevation in order to take into account the real local slope. 
Zgroundiocal € aZground local + (1 QYZ around local (3) 
where a a constant chosen depending on the respective weight 
we want to grant either t0 Z ground local OF 10 Zoround local: 
Considering the overlapping structure of our neighborhoods, 
laser points are classified several times (exactly (£)7). As we 
can see on Figure 3, V;,; and V;i41,; have a large number of com- 
mon points (empty circles). As a result, for each neighborhood 
extraction, points will be labeled following local criteria. At the 
end of the propagation, a laser point will have been labeled p 
times as ground and m times as non-ground. We then affect the 
final label corresponding to max(n, p), which is the most repre- 
sentative vote. 

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