Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
model. The automatic creation of the semantic net requires 
some constraints in order to be able to adapt the net to another 
scale. These constraints are described in section 3. The second 
input of the process is the target scale, which has to be smaller 
than the start scale. 
The first step is a decomposition of the semantic net. The goal 
of the decomposition is to identify parts of the semantic net, 
which can be processed separately. These parts can consist of 
single object parts or blocks of them, if the object parts 
influence each other during scale adaptation: E.g. two objects 
with a small distance to each other possibly have to be adapted 
together (depending on the target scale), because during the 
scaling process the small distance can disappear and objects can 
The next step is the scale adaptation of the decomposed parts 
themselves. The selected object parts and blocks have to be 
generalized. In this process different aspects have to be taken 
into account: It is possible that the object type changes as well 
as the object attributes. All objects of the same object type 
exhibit a comparable behaviour in scale change and can be 
extracted by the same group of feature extraction operators. 
Scale Change 
Model 1 
Target Scale: 4 
E f(x 
A m 
i-i = + 
Y Scale Change i-um wu 
, Decom- |. Model 2 dFusion: =. La Ti = 
position | ns + = n 5 
Object Model for 
Large Scale Small Scale 
Scale Change 
1 Model n 
ei.) > 
Object Model for I 
Figure 1. Strategy for Scale Adaptation 
For the scale adaptation of the elements we intend to use scale 
change models. Scale change models describe the kind of 
change of a certain object type depending on the value of scale 
change. Different attributes, such as the grey value contrast of 
the object to the neighbours or the spatial measurements, are 
used as input parameters for the scale change models. The 
decision, of how to change the object parts or the blocks, has a 
direct connection to the question of how they can be extracted 
after scale change by using feature extraction operators. If it is 
necessary to change the feature extraction operators after scale 
change, the object type has changed. Hence, the scale behaviour 
of feature extraction operators has to be taken into account. In 
section 4 we describe first results of some examinations, aiming 
to determine the suitable scale range for certain feature 
extraction operators. 
The last step is the fusion of the adapted object parts to a 
complete semantic net, which describes the object in the smaller 
scale and which can be used for an automatic object extraction 
in low resolution images. 
The knowledge representation in this approach uses the form of 
the semantic nets of the knowledge based system AIDA 
(Liedtke et al., 1997, Tónjes, 1999). This system was developed 
for automatic interpretation of remote sensing images. Semantic 
nets (Niemann et al., 1990) are directed acyclic graphs. They 
consist of nodes and edges linking the nodes. The nodes 
represent the objects expected in the scene while the edges or 
links of the semantic net model the relations between these 
objects. Attributes define the properties of nodes and edges. 
Two classes of nodes are to be distinguished: the concepts are 
generic models of the objects and the instances are realizations 
of their corresponding concepts in the observed scene. Thus, the 
knowledge base, which is defined prior to the image analysis, is 
composed of concepts. During the interpretation a symbolic 
scene description is generated consisting of instances. The 
relations between the objects are described by edges or links of 
the semantic net. Objects are composed of parts represented by 
the part-of link. Thus, the detection of an object can be 
simplified to the detection of its parts. The transformation of an 
abstract description into its more concrete representation in the 
data is modelled by the concrete-of relation, abbreviated con-of. 
This relation allows for structuring the knowledge in different 
conceptual layers, for example a scene layer and an image 
The concept of semantic nets for the extraction of particular 
objects enables many possibilities for the generation and 
composition of a particular object model, i.e. the representation 
of an object model for the extraction of an object can be 
realized with different semantic nets. Based on the goal of this 
research — adapting semantic nets automatically to a smaller 
scale — it is necessary to find rules for the generation of 
semantic nets. 
The semantic nets to be created should satisfy the following 
e They should have a structure, which enables to 
analyse them automatically regarding scale 
behaviour. The structure should enable an automatic 
decomposition of the semantic net into suitable parts 
in order to treat them separately. 
e They should describe the objects completely with all 
characteristics and attributes, that are important. for 
the extraction of the objects in the starting scale. 
eo They have to be suitable for an automatic extraction 
of the objects from digital images. The semantic net 
should contain a refinement of the whole object into 
suitable parts, which can be extracted directly by 
using certain feature extraction operators. 
e They should be easy to create by using standard 
language. The rules should direct the experts in 
creating the semantic nets, not complicate it. 
Otherwise advantages of semantic nets and expert 
systems, like the explicit knowledge representation, 
would be lost. 
In this stage of our research, we focus on roads and road 
markings. As a further specification, the focus lies on objects 
which run for a long distance parallel to the road axis along the 
road. That means we deal with objects such as lane markings, 
but not with objects such as zebra crossings. We are able to 
describe such objects with the object types periodic and 
continuous stripes and lines. The semantic nets, which we 
create for such objects, contain only these four object types. 
We represent roads first by describing the entire stripe (the 
pavement) as the basis object and, as part of a road, the 
markings on it (see Fig.6). As a rule, only the objects at the 
bottom layer will be extracted. That means for Fig.7 the object 
will be extracted by finding its line markings. 
The nodes of the semantic net represent objects. We define for 
every object of the semantic net the following attributes: 
e Object Name: The description of the object by its 
name in standard language. 
eo Object Type: All objects of the same object type have 
a comparable behaviour in scale change and can be 
extracted by the same group of feature extraction 
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Fig.6 t 

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