Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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Figure 5. Examples of image patches used for initial tests (a) 
building examples, (b) patches not containing 
these varied from case to case (Papageorgiou, 2000). As an 
extension to the initial testing, a further series of tests were 
performed using the small test set to determine which 
preprocessing methods produced the best results. The issues 
investigated included: 
* The resolution level of the wavelet coefficients (32 x 
32 pixels, 16 x 16 pixels or 8 x 8 pixels) 
* The use of over-sampled or standard wavelet 
e The use of normalised image or raw images 
* The use of wavelet coefficients or standard colour 
values (or a combination) 
* The use of single resolution or multi-resolution data 
The various combinations of these parameters, together with 
both a linear and polynomial kernel in the SVM classifier, 
resulted in 216 separate tests. As expected, many of these tests 
produced poor results. Those that produced successful results 
were ranked according to the predicted generalization error, the 
number of training errors, the number of iterations and kernel 
evaluations taken to reach a solution and characteristics of the 
high dimensional feature space used in the solution. This 
resulted in 22 parameter sets that warranted further 
investigation with a larger training set. 
To expand the training data, a new data set was created from 
the same photography. This dataset contained 1624 examples, 
with 974 building patches and 650 non-building patches. To 
validate the training, this data was split into a training set of 
452 building and 354 non-building patches and a testing set of 
522 building and 296 non-building patches. To generate a 
richer set of data and to incorporate different building 
orientations into the training, new image patches were 
generated from the original set by rotating each patch through 
90, 180 and 270 degrees and by mirror reversing the images 
horizontally and vertically. This generated five additional 
images for each patch and increased the training set to 4836 
images and the testing set to 4908 images. 
The SVM was trained using the training data and then the test 
set was classified using this training model. This process was 
undertaken separately for all 22 parameter sets identified in the 
earlier tests. Several tests achieved good results, while five of 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
the tests failed to reach a solution. The results of the successful 
tests are shown in Table 1. 
To further evaluate the result of this training, 57 additional 
building examples (342 test cases) were produced from a range 
of public domain sources (Figure 6). These included the 
Avenches and Hoengg datasets, colour infrared photographs 
(courtesy of ISTAR Corporation), large scale photographs of a 
nearby country town and screen copies of a photomosaic of 
Sydney, Australia. The quality, resolution and scale of these 
images varied considerably. To meet the requirements of the 
software, the image patches were re-sampled to 256 x 256 
pixels. These images were then used as additional test data for 
the best of the classifications derived earlier. Although no 
additional training was undertaken, the classifier identified 
more than 65-8076 of the patches correctly, depending on the 
classification method used. The majority of the errors occurred 
with the Sydney images, which were of poor quality compared 
to the others. 
Figure 6. Examples of additional test images 
All methods that established a classification were able to 
produce quite good results on the out-of-sample data and 
showed that the predicted generalization error from training is 
somewhat pessimistic. This is consistent with other work that 
has shown these estimators generally underestimate the true 
accuracy (Joachims, 2000; Duan et. al., 2003). 
From Table 1, it is difficult to determine a parameter set that is 
clearly superior to all others. However, some general trends 
emerge. The tests with suffix *b' used a polynomial kernel and 
generally produced better results than those with the linear 
kernel (suffix ‘a’). Test 2 7b, 3 7b and 4 7b all produced 
quite good results. The only parameter to vary between these 
tests was the method of normalization of the image content. 
The first was normalized in the wavelet domain, the second in 
the image domain and for the third, no normalization was 
performed. These tests were all at the mid-range resolution (16 
x 16 pixels) and used multi-resolution data. 
Tests with the prefix ‘6’ were all at the coarsest image 
resolution of 8 x 8 pixels and although some of these tests 
produced good results, they generally required many more 
kernel evaluations and are therefore more computationally 
intensive. Test 6 8a produced the best results in terms of 
correct building classifications but this was at the cost of more 
errors in the non-building patches (false-positives) and a very 
large number of kernel evaluations. 
It is clear from Table 1 that good classification results are 
possible using the polynomial kernel. The method of pre- 
processing appears to be less important but does influence the 
efficiency of the computations. One factor that is not apparent 
from the table is the size of the coefficient files. The training 
and testing data sets varied in size from about 10 Mbytes up to 
several hundred Mbytes, depending on the resolution level, the 
over-sampling strategy and whether colour image coefficients 
were included in the output. 
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