V, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
s distance
of minimizing the cost
n-linear function.
gorithm. Should robust-
be easely transformed in
It is
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing
3.2 Jacobian approximation
In most applications, H( X) and g( X) can be complex to com-
pute, so a first order approximation is performed:
H(X) z J'X)J(X) (10)
where J is the Jacobian matrix :
A. On(X) rope)
Jj(X)9 ——z————
X) OX,
OX; Ci
with à € [L, No], j € [1, N]. (11)
Using the same approximation, § is computed using :
g(X) e J' GO RD) (12)
This problem is equivalent to solving the linear least square prob-
lem :
(X) = (X) (13)
The system can be expressed using the usual matrix form :
[rr] [aX] » prz] (14)
Seeing that the matrix is symmetric and positive, the system can
be solved using the Cholevsky algorithm.
hm. Constraints will be
ative algorithm requiring
CX is supposed to be
e Introduction). At each
bus XU. dX. Let
on F(X) :
17, j € [1, Na]
i € [1, N,]
3.3 Constraints
At the beginning of this section, we did not take the constraints
into account. So, even if at step k, X) satisfies the constraints,
X613 — XO FX, with dX solution of equation 14 has no
reason to satisfy the constraints.
The first obvious solution to this problem is to modify each
X®+1 in order to satisfy the constraints (by renormalization or
projection on the constraint space). This is an easy and direct
solution, but, the theory does not guarantee the convergence. In
practice, the convergence is slow. An alternative solution is to
introduce the constraints in the resolution process (see (Triggs et
(6) al., 2000).
Equation 5 can be solved using Lagrange multipliers. Let À €
R™ be the vector of Lagrange multipliers. Let the first order
expansion of the constraint vector be &(X +d X) a EXIT,
where C is the matrix of the constraints gradients :
(7) Be:
Cum x with i € [1, N.], j € [1, N,] (15)
mizing cost function F.
) + n (X) ax
algorithm is :
Solving equation 5 is equivalent to finding X +dX that optimizes
F + EX, subject to & = 0. The first order expansion of both
expressions are :
0= E (F (X «ax +é(X +dX) X)
e g (X) - B (X) aX « c' (3)X de
(9) and = =
0- e(X e ax) = c(X) + cd (17)
Combining these two equations gives the expression for each step
of the algorithm :
H Ct G X A j (18)
C0 13 © |
and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
Using the same approximation as in section 3.2. the system be-
comes :
ry €]]ax]- peg 3
€ ud] lx =ra (19)
The main difference between this system and equation 14 is that
the matrix is not positive anymore. So, it cannot be solved using
the Cholevsky algorithm. Other algorithms such as LU. QR or
Householder transform can be used. We generally use the LU
This section deals with error propagation in the bundle adjust-
ment problem. It enables us to assess the accuracy of all recon-
structed parameters.
4.1 Accuracy prevision
It is well known that, if observed values v?^* have only a Gaus-
sian noise, vector X which minimizes F(X) is also the maxi-
mum likelihood vector. Let V be the variance matrix :
No =F [(%: = E(X:)) * (X E E(X;))]
with ;, j € [1,N,] (20)
where E(x) denotes the expectation of variable x.
For X minimum of F, the inverse of the Hessian matrix HH)
is equal to the variance matrix V. Some justifications can be
found in (Hartley and Zisserman, 2002) or (Forstner, 2004).
So, it is possible to know the accuracy and the correlation be-
tween unknowns just by inversing the Hessian matrix. This re-
sults is confirmed by experimental results (see section 5.).
A correlation matrix can also be computed :
esi withi, Fe {1,N.] (21)
v Vii * Vi
Each matrix element Corr;, j gives the correlation (between -1 an
+1) between two parameters X; and X.
Corr; ; =
4.2 Camera position Accuracy
We denote by p the estimation of the camera position after the
bundle adjustment algorithm, and by V;, the 3 x 3 sub matrix
of V corresponding to variance-covariance matrix of the camera
position is extracted. Error propagation follows:
P ~ N($ Vi) (22)
(P-pyv;!i(P-5) ~ xX(3) (23)
Now, given a significance number œ, we can associate to the es-
timated camera position a covariance ellipsoid £(p, a):
PNA) « ea (24)
With x?(3, a) representing the o^ quantile of a chi-square law
with 3 degrees of freedom. To get the axes length of the ellip-
soid, standard eigenvector decomposition of the matrix V; is per-