International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
mentioned in chapter 3. Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 describe detail
of algorithms. Finally, Chapter 6 is conclusion.
From merits of Three Line Scanner Imagery for vehicle
detection mentioned in chapter | and limitation of existing
research, vehicle monitoring by using Three Line Scanner
imagery has been developed under three objectives (See Figure
To detect stopped vehicle
To detect moving vehicle
To classify parked and signals waiting vehicles.
| TLS forward/nadir raw images |
| Stopped Vehicle Detection |
| Moving Vehicle Detection _
i Parked/Idling Vehicle
| Classification
Figure 2 our framework of our vehicle detection algorithm
Pre-processing is the preparation stage of fundamental
information for further processing of vehicle detection.
At first, TLS raw images are geo-coded by Chen and Shibasaki
algorithm in [2]. Secondly, road is located and non-road surface
are masked in TLS image in [6]. By the parallel way, due to
many building cast shadow areas in TLS image, building cast
shadow on TLS raw image are delineated and corrected to
obtain ‘shadow-corrected image’ in [7]. In our study, both ‘raw
image’ and ‘shadow-corrected image’ are region-segmented to
generate region-segmented image and shadow-corrected-region-
segmented image. Regions are basic unit of further processing.
However, under-segmented regions and noise still occur on
both images. Therefore, under-segmented regions and noise are
corrected by erosion of morphological operation and region-
nearest interpolation to generate 'cleaned region -segmented
image or cleaned image shortly’ and ‘cleaned shadow-corrected
region- segmented image or cleaned shadow-corrected image
shortly’ respectively. At the latter step, regarding regions inside
the road surface, all non-vehicles are rectangular polygon-fitted
with rectangular properties such as width, length and
length/width ratio etc. By these rectangular properties
thresholding defined from vehicle dimension, non-vehicle
regions are removed. Only on-street vehicle-likely regions exist
finally. By using area-based stereo matching algorithm between
TLS raw nadir and raw forward images, those rectangular-fitted
polygon heights with matching correction are calculated in [5|
Moreover, stopped and moving vehicle model hypotheses as
explicit models are generated with generic character of stopped
and moving vehicle in TLS single nadir images with vehicle
dimensions under U.S. transportation law.
Nadir/ Forward TLS raw images
; Y
| Image Geo-coding
Road Positioning
and non-road area masking
v = Y
| Building Cast Shadow
Image Segmentation on
non-road masked Nadir image | Correction
Correction of Noise | Image Segmentation
| and Under segmentation | on Shadow-Corrected&
= i eere ; non-road masked Nadir image
Non-vehicle region Vehicle Dimension
Correction of Noise |
Removal Database { and Under segmentation)
= = EIE i
| Regions Likely | Non-vehicle region
|to be Vehicle Parts | Removal
| on the Street Y
Y | Regions Likely
| to be Vehicle Parts
Rectangular Polygons |
| Stre
fitted by i on the Street
Vehicle-Likely Regions pues Y
RUE E E es | Rectangular Polygons |
——— re | fitted by |
Height of 555 | Vehiele-Likely Regions |
; Rectangular Polygons Forward/Nadir TLS TY :
with Image processing | Height of |
matching correlation | | Rectangular Polygons
= 3 | with i
p— M | matching correlation
| Vehicle Likely Regions | Y
| with rectangular fitted polygon Vehicle Likely Regions
i and height | with rectangular fitted polygon
| and height
Figure 3 symmetric diagram of Preparation
Vehicle detection stage is the core of our study. Our algorithms
consist of two approaches: Main approach and supplementary
approach. Main approach is to detect moving /stopped vehicles
automatically by using multi TLS images and to discriminate
two classes: parked and idling vehicle class from stopped
vehicles with on-street parking criteria. In case of omission
from main approach, supplementary approach is to additionally
detect vehicles from TLS single nadir image automatically and
semi-automatically. Briefly, concepts of our vehicle detection
approaches are mentioned as below;
Stopped Vehicle Detection is our proposed algorithm of
stopped vehicle detection by using multi-TLS image processing.
At first, from Pre-processing stage some on-street vehicle-likely
regions are selected with thresholding of height-and-matching
correlation. This kind of thresholding is defined by selecting
regions which are higher than road surface obtained from pre-
processing stage. However, those regions are independent.
Therefore pair distances among Centre of Gravities of 'those
selected regions’ are calculated. Regarding pair distances,
nearest regions are grouped roughly into a binary, hierarchical
cluster tree by nearest-neighbour linkage algorithm.