33. Istanbul 2004
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
Figure 6: Highway extraction results for Karlsruhe
depicted in Figure 6(b). The left highway (1) has been extracted
completely. In the upper part, the crash barrier is clearly visible
and the high-resolution lines deliver good candidates for the high-
way. In the lower part, the highway is partly occluded by vege-
tation (shadow), as is also the left part of highway (2). Here, the
lines extracted at the lower resolution provide essential hypothe-
ses, so that the extraction was successful for most parts of high-
way (2). The gaps in the extraction of highway (2) are caused by
bridges. Here, an introduction of context information as shown
above might be useful. Segment (3) is a false alarm.
An approach for automatic road extraction from SAR imagery
was presented and optimized. First, we showed that the intro-
duction of explicitly modeled context objects helps to overcome
many local disturbances. Second, the use of global context by in-
troducing the outline of urban areas as seed points for rural roads
improved the completeness of the extracted road network and the
topological correctness of the network. Third, we modeled and
outlined an extraction scheme for highways. Both, model and
extraction rely on multiple scales, which makes the results more
robust compared to single-scale approaches.
The author would like to thank the German Aerospace Center
(DLR), Infoterra GmbH, Germany, and Intermap Technologies
Corp. for providing the SAR data and Stefan Hinz for his aid in
developing the highway road extraction.
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