1. Target Recognation
+ “ConnectAI’
+ ‘SortSegment’
2. Polygon Breaking
+ '"PolyzonBreaking
3. Branch Reduction
+ “BranchReduction’
* ‘Counter’
4. Smoothing
NO Nag ng de YES
* “‘NSmoothOut * "SmoothiOnut'
« “Smooth”
v Ÿ
3. Saving the segment coordinates
Figure 2. The flowchart of ‘RidgeValleyAxisPicker’ program
3.2 Polygon Breaking
Terrain skeleton lines are like a network structure and never
closed polygon according to Chang et al. (1998). On the other
hand, after the ‘ConnectAll’ subroutine, line segments are
closed structure in Figure 3. In order to solve closed polygon
and obtain a network structure, it is applied the
‘PolygonBreaking’ subroutine to the sorted segments after the
target recognition step automatically. The polygon breaking is
a repeated procedure to check the closed polygon and eliminate
the least important segment within each polygon until no closed
polygon of any size remains (Figure 4). The importance of the
segments is determined by their weight related to elevation
value relatively. For example, for ridge depiction, the segment
with lower elevation is less important than segments with
higher elevation.
3.3 Branch Reduction
In order to extract more accurate skeleton lines, the effect of the
branch reduction step is modified in this study compared to
previous study of Chang et al. (1998). For this purpose, short
segments that do not reflect to terrain characteristic are deleted
iteratively in order to obtain proper branches that are same as
the terrain skeleton lines for topographical map (Figure 5).
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
Figure 3". Connected points and sorted segments at scale
1: 5000
Figure 4. Solved closed polygons and new segments at scale
1: 5000
Short branches to be deleted are determined in accordance with
the threshold value depending on the grid distance and map
scale. In order to obtain the proper branches,
‘BranchReduction’ and ‘Counter’ subroutines are used in
‘RidgeValleyAxisPicker’ program. ‘Counter’ subroutine
calculates branch lengths from end points to the node points.
* 20m. grid distance used because of the easy showing segments
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