Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Fthe vertical baselines. 
nt in the gradient direc- 
reduces in a significant 
are much smoothly de- 
ing "intelligent" thresh- 
h easier. The estimation 
n the maximum residual 
lier and Deriche, 2002). 
1al regression is that the 
; parameters can be de- 
erging gives a minimal 
erance on the polygonal 
;s when the merging has 
given by the user. Once 
ie parameters 0 and p of 
ll as the variance covari- 
hated by using the results 
inder the assumption that 
: detector have a variance 
> ratio signal/noise in the 
nts for two images. 
ted line segments. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
3.3 Vanishing Points Detection 
Due to the effects of perspective projection, the line segments 
parallel in the 3D world intersect themselves in image space. De- 
pending on the orientation of the lines the intersection point can 
be finite or infinite and is referred to as vanishing point. There 
are many methods for vanishing points detection in the images. 
A good review is given by V. Heuvel, (Van den Heuvel, 1998). 
Here the vanishing points detection is based on an extension of 
the method proposed by Shufelt (Shufelt, 1999) generalised to 
multi-head viewing (Figure 7). As seen in (Figure 7 - a) the image 
segments of each relatively calibrated view (to an image segment 
corresponds a 3D plane intersecting the sphere) are accumulated 
on the same plane tangent to the north pole (considering that the 
horizontally oriented cameras are on the equator). The most dom- 
inant groups of converging lines segments in the image will pro- 
duce maxima on the accumulator. To avoid aliasing problems, 
each segment (A and B on Figure 7 - b) accumulates between its 
uncertainty bounding segments with an ad-hoc weighting func- 
tion to take into account the uncertainty on the contour and the 
segment extractions, the approch is based on edge error modeling 
to guide the search for vanishing points. This fuzzy accumula- 
tion thus indirectly takes into account that long segments should 
weigh more than small ones. The width of the the segments band 
indicates the degree of uncertainty in the orientation of an edge. 
(a) (b) (c) 
Figure 7: (a) Planar method of vanishing points detection us- 
ing the Gaussian sphere. (b) Bounds for line segments in image 
space. (c) Bounds for line segments for a fuzzy accumulation on 
the tangent plane at the pole of the Gaussian sphere. 
Figure .8 shows the accumulator where only two images of one 
vertical baseline have accumulated. Of course, for obvious ge- 
ometric reasons, the highest gain in precision will occurs when 
mixing images from the vertical and the horizontal baselines 
when the full system will be operationel. 
(a) (b) (c) 
Figure 8: (a) & (b) The detected vertical vanishing points for 
cach MMS image of the vertical baseline independently. (c) 
Multi-view vertical vanishing point accumulation. 
Once the vertical vanishing point has been found we accumulate 
the non vertical segments on a cylinder tangent at the correspond- 
ing equator (considering the oriented horizontal cameras at the 
equator) to find all horizontal vanishing points (Figure 9). The 
accumulator cells do not need to have a high angular resolution. 
Each vanishing point corresponds to a different 3D plane orien- 
tation relatively to the image planes. Thus horizontal segments 
can be classified and associated to a plane direction. These plane 
directions will be used, as shown further, to infirm the 3D planes 
extracted from the DSM generated from the vertical baseline 
Figure 9: The detected horizontal vanishing points of MMS im- 
age pair corresponding to the local maxima of an accumulation 
on a cylinder tangent at the equator. 
Figure 10: The line segments associated to princicipal orienta- 
tions in the scene. 
3.4 Digital Facade Models 
We have now estimated for each rigid capture the pitch and the 
roll of the moving platform. Let us now estimate the relative yaw 
and pose of captures at time (t) and (¢ + dt) with the help of the 
short vertical base line. 
Our short stereo vertical baselines acts as a very precise range 
measurement unit. [n our case even with a short baseline favour- 
ing image matching, one meter baseline provides a relative depth 
accuracy of 5 millimetres on a facade at a distance of 10 meters 
(with a disparity estimation accuracy of 0.25 pixels). A dense 
raster-based Digital Facade Surface Model (DFM) is processed 
by a dynamic programming optimisation method matching glob- 
ally conjugate epipolar lines (Baillard, 1997) integrating edges 
with subpixel accuracy and adapted to landscapes with disconti- 
Figure 11: Dense Digital Facade Model computed from the short 
vertical stereo baseline at (t) and (tdt). 
3.5  Extracting 3D Planes 
3D planes and the set of 3D points belonging to these planes are 
extracted in the 3D dense DFM with a robust region growing al- 
gorithm mixed with a robust estimator RANSAC of Fischler and 
Bolles (Fischler and Bolles, 1981). The aim is a robust detection 
of the dominant facade planes. We randomly select a triple of 
points and evaluate the resulting hypothesis of planes, we perform 
a RANSAC based plane detection algorithm in a local neighbor- 
This means that, assuming that we have a sufficient overlap be- 
tween two acquisition of the rig, the rotation between two poses 
can be estimated by finding the matching planes subsets. 

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