Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
where — A, B, C = extracted features 
H4 Hp Hc degree of membership of the features 
For the minimum operator the truth value of the result is 
defined by the minimum truth value of the used features which 
is the logical AND implementation in fuzzy environment. 
Similarly, the maximum truth value of all used features 
determine the truth value of a class by the maximum operator. 
This operator is used in fuzzy as logical OR. For these two 
operators, the fuzzy sets of the classes should constitute 
complementary membership functions, so the sum of the 
degrees of membership for every feature value should be 1. 
Therefore, the elements are classified into non-correlated 
classes and all features are taken into consideration with the 
same importance. In cases where the sum of the degrees of 
membership is more than 1, the accordant feature plays a more 
important role in the calculation. Using the product operator 
this is of lower importance, since only the differences between 
the truth values of the classes for a feature cause differences in 
the final result. For calculation of a weighted sum, an individual 
weight is assigned to each feature. This weight may be constant 
to express the reliability of a certain feature in general, but also 
variable depending on another feature. For example, the shape 
parameter geometry of n longest lines expresses the parallelism 
and orthogonality of these lines. However, the reliability of this 
feature depends on the size of the object. It can be observed that 
this feature provides more reliable values if larger segments are 
concerned while at smaller segments only short contour lines 
can be extracted which leads — due to noise and rastering effects 
- to increasing deviations from parallelism and orthogonality. 
The inference procedure results in a crisp value for each 
segment and class. In every case the final decision is based on 
the maximum method, i.e. the class of highest probability will 
be assigned to the corresponding segment. As an example the 
confusion matrix for the product operator in shown in Table 1. 
In Table 2 the results obtained by different inference operators 
are assembled for both test sites. It is obvious that the results are 
not independent on the respective operator. Using a 
combination of all available features the minimum and 
particularly the maximum operator provide results of lower 
classification rates. For test site Salem this tendency is more 
significant than for Karlsruhe. Product and weighted sum 
method achieve higher classification rates of similar dimension. 
Other combinations where not all features were included lead to 
increasing differences. 
Product Buildings Vegetation Terrain 
Buildings 95 5 0 
Vegetation 4 96 0 
Terrain 0 7 93 
Table 1. Confusion matrix for the product operator (Salem) 
Operator Karlsruhe Salem 
Product 90 95 
Weighted sum 90 94 
Minimum 88 64 
Maximum 87 74 
Table 2. Classification results by different operators in fuzzy 
Figure 10. Classified segments (red- building, blue- terrain, 
green- vegetation) 
uL ol 55 2 52 5 sse i-2 
eZ BE EBs 5522 22528522 
mEIS ele EMSS 8ew solos 
en = Aslosiosjo o 
+ + + + + 95 96 93 95 
+ + + + 93 | 96 | 80 | 
+ + + 3: 84 72 87 84 
+ + + * 96 88 93 94 
+ + + 8S 67 | 73 | $0 
+ + + + 93 | 96 | 80 | 92 
+ + + 83 96 93 87 
zb + + + 89 1 79 | | 38 
+ + + 93 | 38 | 93 | 8! 
Table 3. Feature combinations for test area Salem 
n © 2 29s Q 
EE 29 9| o < ss .Cl = 8 
EE HE 25 & [EE] "FEE 
ew 35x ES ES a= 42924 
en d OB fg 9 
+ + zh i 89 90 90 
+ + + 93 85 89 
+ + zi 86 80 83 
+ + + 88 86 87 
+ i 91 62 78 
+ + 90 89 90 
Table 4. Feature combinations for test area Karlsruhe 
Due to this quality assessment of different inference operators 
product has been selected as standard operator for subsequent 
investigations. To compare the reliability of the defined features 
and to demonstrate the influence of each of them 9 different 
feature combinations have been calculated and the influence of 
missing features has been observed, whereas the independence 
of the features was assumed. These feature combinations and 
their results can be seen in Table 3 and 4. Besides the individual 
class-related values also an overall classification rate has been 
included. The results show that the amount of significant border 
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