Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Agricultural Field 
Figure 1. Land use pattern of the study area 
(a) A land use pattern of a rural town in Japan depicted on 
an IKONOS (* 3SI) image. (b) Close-up of a residential 
area, (c) Close-up of an agricultural field. 
Providing the complexity of the land use pattern in rural parts in 
Japan, traditional pixel-by-pixel-base image classifiers may 
hardly produce optimal land use maps from VHRS images 
without intensive editing by human photo-interpreters, due to 
the similarity in the land cover materials at the order of meters 
among different land use classes in those areas. To cope with 
the problem, contextual information such as geometrical 
properties of image objects including the sizes, shapes, etc. and 
spatial relationships among them should be incorporated in the 
mapping process as a set of classification rules. Object-based 
classifiers combining image segmentation and contextual-rule- 
based labelling are expected to be a useful tool for land use 
mapping from VHRS data. 
In the past two decades, various image segmentation techniques 
have been developed to incorporate context in the image 
classification procedure (van der Sande et al. 2003). In this 
study, a segmentation technique developed by Baatz and 
Schüpe (2000), which is a type of region growing multi-scale 
segmentation algorithms, was used to study object-oriented land 
use classification. 
Major research topics of this study are twofold: 
- To study correspondence between image objects at 
different scales and geographic features. How to optimize 
segmentation results for mapping rural land uses. 
- To select contextual information that can be used as a set 
of rules for contextual labelling of land use classes on the 
image objects produced with the image segmentation. 
In this study, a set of image segmentation using the algorithm 
developed by Baatz and Schäpe (2000) with different scale 
parameters were conducted using an IKONOS pansharpen data 
(4 band) of a rural town in Kouchi-ken in south-western Japan 
taken on November 21, 2001 to study the correspondence 
between image objects at different scales and geographic 
features. The segmentation criterion used in this study for 
merging multiple image objects into a larger image object was a 
standard deviation of the pixel values in an image object 
Figure 2 shows two examples of the subset of the segmentation 
results with an original IKONOS data; these are at the 
intermediate steps corresponding to certain scale parameters of 
a region growing process started from individual pixels. 
Although they do not perfectly match the shapes of geographic 
features on the ground, image objects produced with certain 
scale parameters shows relatively good correspondence with 
some geographic features. Figure 2 (b) shows the segmentation 
result with scale parameter 75, and the image objects depicted 
with white lines correspond to the rooftops of individual houses 
and parcels of agricultural fields relatively well. On the other 
hand, image objects in Figure 2 (c) appeared at scale parameter 
350 correspond to larger geographic features such as the 
boundary between residential areas and agricultural fields. 
Figure 3 and Figure 4 show examples of the growth curves of 
the areas of image objects to exemplify how an image object, 
starting from an individual pixel corresponding to a rooftop of a 
house, a tree crown, a agricultural field, etc. increases its area in 
accordance with the increase of the scale parameter. Studying 
the optimization of image segmentation, Usuda et al. (2003) 
focused on the stable periods observable in growth curves of the 
areas of image objects as a key to decide optimal scale 
parameters for specific applications of image segmentation 
techniques. Stable periods are thought to be the period when 
standard deviations of pixel values of neighbouring image 
objects are apparently different, and the merge process of the 
image objects becomes relatively slow. Stable periods of the 
growth of image object sizes are also observed in the image 
segmentation experiments in this study. In this study, every 
growth curve of an image object corresponding to a certain 
gcographic feature has multiple stable periods. In addition, the 
change from one stable period to the next stable period on a 
growth curve is usually abrupt. These results suggest there is a 
hierarchical spatial structure in the land use of the study area. 
Based on the analysis of the growth curves of the image objects 
produced with the multi-scale image segmentation, each land 
use class appears to have a class-specific growth pattern (see 
Figure 3 and Figure 4). Considering the correspondence 
between the stable periods appearing in the growth curves and 

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