Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

^ Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
nding Masks for a pair of 
1 two orthoimages by FFT 
n matrix problem between 
ssible homologous planes 
o normals vectors of the 
e system. 
und axis 7 with an angle 
| passing from the internal 
ngent ground system (rota- 
to the vehicle motion with 
and vanishing points). 
on passing from the ground 
ce system of the 3D planes 
the rotation matrix passing 
| by : 
d (8) 
rix by : 
atl (9) 
Ti 3 (t--dt) 
ln’ jean ll 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
So we get the desired values of rotations by computing : 
A = 3 5071 
Q(t)-+ (t-+dt) =. T )n — ground : 25 : ni, — ground (10) 
As a result, we get the desired values of relative shift and rota- 
tions that are the desired parameters of approximate solution to 
initialise our photogrammetric bundle. 
We have up to now estimated the approximate relative orientation 
of the platform and DFMs expressed in the platform system for 
each capture. This approximate relative orientation is necessary 
to initialise the bundle adjustment in order to linearise the bun- 
dle system. Moreover both depth and pose information provide 
a very good predictor to restrict image-matching search space an 
consequently find very robust matches by image correlation that 
can be directly inserted as accurate tie point and segments mea- 
surements in the photogrammetric bundle of stereo pairs to pro- 
vide high-precision orientation parameters of the images : rota- 
tion matrix giving the angular orientation of the second couple in 
the first, and three translational displacements (7;, T, T.) giv- 
ing the direction of the inter-couple translation. 
The 3D relative position and orientation of images in object space 
will be determined by a Global Multi-Cameras Bundle Adjust- 
ment "icono-triangulation" that integrates measures from the 
images (intra-stereo tie points and segments), measures from 
GPS with their uncertainties, ground control features : horizontal 
and vertical vanishing lines and accurate road marks. The mathe- 
matical model applied for sequential MMS images orientation is 
based on least-squares adjustment (Jung and Boldo, 2004). 
We have presented an original way of estimating pose from im- 
ages of a stereo rig in the case of planar scenes as encountered 
in urban areas. Stereo rigs provide a metric and a scale in the 
pose estimation problem. They also hugely decrease the robust- 
ness of tie point estimation which is in general the weakness of 
target tracking algorithms in image sequences. The 2D ill-posed 
matching is transformed in a well 3D matching problem. We 
do not need to have short baseline in the motion, our system is 
wide baseline efficient thus we do not need to have such impor- 
tant frame rates as in video sequences. 
Stereo rigs with short baselines also provide very good sur- 
face models to initialize a fine multiview surface reconstruction 
scheme after a bundle adjustement of all images acquired by the 
system has been performed. 
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