Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
only has to measure any two points along v, v?' on one image 
and any two points along v, "v5" on the other image, then the 
line equations could be determined. The greatest benefit of line 
photogrammetry is avoiding the point identification and 
correspondence problem. Similar to the points, linear features 
can be used for solving intersection or resection problems. If the 
image orientation has been known, measuring linear features on 
the images can be used to extract 3D line segments. If the 3D 
line equations have been known, measuring linear features on 
the images can be used to determine image orientation. 
The next development based on line photogrammetry is the 
CAD-based photogrammetry which is incorporated with various 
existing CAD models, such as box, cylinder, wedge, erc. The 
object model can be extracted by projecting wire-frame of CAD 
model onto the image and verifying the coincidence. The CAD- 
based photogrammetry has been successfully applied in some 
close-range photogrammetric applications, such as extracting 
oil pipes at an industrial plant. However, buildings are not so 
regular as industrial components. CAD models are not flexible 
enough to handle various kinds of building. 
To deal with the modelling problem, we proposed a naval 
concept of floating models which complies with the 
constructive solid geometry. The floating model is basically a 
primitive CSG model, which determines the intrinsic geometric 
property of a part of building. The floating models can be 
categorized into four types: point, linear feature, plane, or 
volumetric solid. Each type contains various primitive models 
for the practical needs. For example, the linear feature includes 
the line segment and the arc. The plane includes the rectangle, 
the circle, the ellipse, the triangle, the pentagon, etc. The 
volumetric solid includes the box, the gable-roof house, the 
cylinder, the cone, erc. Despite the variety in their shape, each 
primitive model commonly has a datum point, and is associated 
with a set of pose parameters and a set of shape parameters. The 
datum point and the pose parameter determine the position of 
the floating model in object space. It is adequate to use 3 
translation parameters (dX, dY, dZ) to represent the position and 
3 rotation parameters, tilt (/) around Y-axis, swing (s) around X- 
axis, and azimuth (a) around Z-axis to represent the rotation of 
a primitive model. Figure 3 shows four examples from each 
type of models with the change of the pose parameters. X -Y -Z' 
coordinate system defines the model space and X-Y-Z 
coordinate system defines the object space. The little pink 
sphere indicates the datum point of the model. The yellow 
primitive model is in the original position and pose, while the 
grey model depicts the position and pose after changing pose 
parameters (dX, dY, dZ, t, s, a). It is very clear that, the model is 
"floating" in the space by controlling these pose parameters. 
The volume and shape of the model remain the same while the 
pose parameters change. The shape parameters describe the 
shape and size of the primitive model, e.g., a box has three 
shape parameters: width (w), length (/) and height (/). 
Changing the values of shape parameters elongates the 
primitive in the three dimensions, but still keeps its shape as a 
rectangular box. Various primitive may be associated with 
different shape parameters, e.g., a gable-roof house primitive 
has an additional shape parameter — roof’s height (4). Figure 4 
shows three examples from each type of models with the 
change of shape parameters. The point is an exceptional case 
that does not have any shape parameters. The yellow one is the 
original model, while the grey one is the model after changing 
the shape parameters. The figure points out the other important 
characteristic of the floating model — the flexible shape with 
certain constraints. Changing the shape parameters does not 
affect the position or the pose of the model. 
Z Z' ; 
A y* 
a A 
YN d ee. 
Rectangle Plane Box Solid 
Figure 3. Change the pose of floating models by adjusting pose 
: gt 
, : ; 
w : H 
/ | ) i h 
J / 3 
Line Segment Rectangle Plane Box Solid 
Figure 4. Change the shape of floating models by adjusting 
shape parameters. 
2.2 CSG tree and Boolean Set Operation 
The greatest benefit of constructive solid geometry is the 
flexibility of modelling complex buildings. In this paper, 
building parts are extracted by floating models one-by-one, then 
combined into a complete building model via Boolean set 
operations, such as union( U ), intersection( M ), and 
difference( —). Figure 5 depicts the composition process of a 
complex building model, which is also called a CSG tree. The 
union operation may be the most commonly used. Since the 
building parts are extracted independently, discrepancy between 
connected walls is unavoidable. Special constraints or local 
modification should be provided to assisting the attaching 
Figure 5. The CSG tree of a complex building model. 
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