Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
rigid transformation relating the two surfaces, to establish 
correspondence (Besl and McKay, 1992). This relates to 
finding the “optimal rotation and translation that aligns, or 
registers, the model shape and the data shape minimising the 
distance between the shapes" (Besl and McKay, 1992). It is 
apparent that a similar problem exists in this research, where an 
unorientated photogrammetric DEM is to be registered using a 
reference DEM. 
A popular choice in the computer vision field is the Iterative 
Closest Point (ICP) algorithm (Besl and McKay, 1992), 
designed to match not only surfaces but also other geometric 
primitives such as line segments and curves. Within the spatial 
information field, matching algorithms have tended towards 
least squares adjustments, minimising quantities between 
surfaces. Indeed, Mitchell and Chadwick (1999) argue that such 
methods, applied to the relatively simple 24D DEMs found 
most often in surveying, provide a more suitable 
implementation, without loss of accuracy, than the ICP-style 
algorithms. For this reason, development of a least squares 
method that minimises the vertical differences between DEMs 
was carried out in this research. 
The surface matching approach adopted is based on the 
standard  seven-parameter 3D  conformal transformation, 
commonly used in photogrammetry and surveying, that relates 
the coordinates of control points in different coordinate systems 
(Wolf and Dewitt, 2000). With the use of surfaces, the 
procedure is complicated by the fact that no control points may 
be identifiable to carry out the transformation, for reasons 
relating to the distinct point distributions; quantities; data 
collection techniques used, with associated accuracies; and 
temporal changes that may have occurred between the 
acquisition of each dataset. Instead of control points being 
used, the aim of the method is to find conjugate surface patches 
that may then be used to carry out the transformation. Vertical 
separations between the points of the unorientated surface and a 
triangulated reference DEM are therefore computed, which are 
minimised in the iterative least squares procedure, resulting in 
transformation parameter estimates. Complications to the 
matching implementation, relating to the use of irregular and 
disparate data, the non-linearity of the solution, and the need for 
patch gradients to exist in multiple directions (e.g. Rosenholm 
and Torlegärd, 1988), are evident and are discussed further in 
Mitchell and Chadwick (1999) and Mills et al. (2003). In spite 
of these difficulties, this surface matching algorithm offers 
significant advantages from the high level of redundancy, the 
potential for automation and, importantly, by having an 
independent reference surface that allows the accuracy of the 
unorientated DEM to be validated. 
The surface matching method formed the critical orientation 
stage in a coastal zone monitoring study, allowing DEMs 
extracted from a strip of digital small format digital 
photography (SFAP) to be effectively registered to a global 
reference system. As part of this study, it was necessary to 
determine the success of the algorithm and its implementation. 
Consequently, testing was conducted to compare the DEM 
accuracy achievable using both the conventional orientation 
approach using GCPs, and the surface matching technique. The 
following sections therefore detail the data collection, 
processing and DEM extraction for both methods, as well as 
results and discussion. 
3.1 Digital Small Format Aerial Photogrammetry 
Digital SFAP was chosen as the primary photogrammetric 
acquisition technique because of its cost effectiveness and 
speed of processing, especially for the single image strip 
required for coastline coverage. To further speed up data 
collection, the digital camera was mounted on a microlight 
platform, allowing rapid scrambling and a larger weather 
window than possible with a standard survey aircraft (Warner et 
al., 1996). A significant limitation associated with SFAP is the 
smaller ground coverage in each image, caused by the film size 
or dimensions of the charge-coupled device (CCD) in a digital 
camera. Combined with a focal length far shorter than that of 
standard large format cameras makes for an exorbitant increase 
in the amount of images needed to provide stereocoverage 
(Warner et al, 1996). With the increase in images comes the 
requirement for an increase in GCPs to provide an accurate 
absolute orientation, making SFAP seem impractical for 
anything other than the smallest areas. Hence the value of the 
surface matching as an alternative orientation technique is 
3.2 Test Area and Data Collection 
The area chosen for this study was the coastline of Filey Bay, 
North Yorkshire, UK, a sensitive environmental area with 
ongoing coastal erosion. For this experiment, a small section of 
the bay was chosen, comprising a flat beach, gently sloping cliff 
(rising to around 40 m), and grassed cliff top car park (Figure 
Figure 1. Orthophoto of Filey Bay test site, taken using 
DCS 660. Area is approximately 200 x 200 m 
Near-vertical stereo aerial photography of this test site was 
acquired on 10 August, 2001, using a Kodak DCS 660 single 
lens reflex (SLR) digital camera. This camera is one in a line of 
high-resolution — (6 megapixel) cameras already used 
successfully by the photogrammetric community (e.g. Maas and 
Kersten, 1997; Chandler et aL, 2001). The camera was 
mounted on a Thruster T600 Sprint microlight platform, the 
lens fixed on the infinity setting and the aperture priority mode 
set, ensuring an average shutter speed of 1/800 s at ISO200. To 
investigate the heighting precision of this photogrammetric 
configuration, imagery of the test area was captured from 
varying flying heights: 270 m (900 ft; 1:9600 scale), 450 m 
(1500 ft; 1:16,000 scale) and 600 m (2000 ft; 1:22,000 scale). 

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