Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

M. R. Della Rocca ^', M. Fiani *, A. Fortunato *, P.Pistillo * 
* Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Università di Salerno, 84084 Fisciano, Italy — 
(r.dellarocca, m.fiani, a.fortunato, ppistill)@unisa.it 
KEY WORDS: Remote Sensing, Extraction, Detection, Algorithms, Features, Satellite, Segmentation. 
Active contour models are used extensively in image processing applications, including edge detection, shape modelling, segmenta- 
tion and in general to detect object boundaries. They are curves defined in the image domain that can move under the influence of in- 
ternal forces within the curve itself and external forces derived from the image data. Many versions and improvements have been 
proposed since then, in an effort to improve on several aspects of the original finite difference implementation. 
We present preliminary results of a wavelet based active contour model for detecting linear features in satellite images The method 
combines multi-scale decomposition and edge detection in a fast-converging iterative scheme. As an application, coastline retrieval 
from a SAR image is illustrated. 
Satellite images can hardly be automatically segmented, due to 
their inherent complexity. Low signal-to-noise ratio, undesired 
images features and other factors further complicate this issue. 
Manual and semi-automatic tracking of images is still the 
mainstream method for obtaining good segmentations of 
complicated images. Many algorithms have been proposed to 
extract features from satellite images. 
The subject of the present study is a group of high level 
segmentation models, the so called active contour models for 
detecting linear features. 
Active contour models, also known as snakes, are used extensi- 
vely in image processing applications, including edge detection, 
shape modeling, medical image-analysis, to detect object boun- 
daries. Snakes are curves defined in the image domain that can 
move under the influence of internal forces within the curve i- 
tself and external forces derived from the image data. The inter- 
nal and external forces are defined so that the snake will even- 
tually conform to an object boundary or some other desired 
image feature. 
Problems associated with initialization and poor convergence to 
concave boundaries, however, have hitherto limited their use. 
They were first proposed in 1987 by Kass, Witkin and Terzo- 
poulos. Many versions and improvements have been proposed 
since then, in an effort to improve on several aspects of the ori- 
ginal finite difference implementation. 
In fact the original snake model presents a number of limita- 
tions. First, the initial contour should be sufficiently close to the 
object, to prevent converge to wrong results. Second, the per- 
formance of the snake depends on the number of control points, 
which is usually fixed. Besides, the method is unable to extract 
the multiple-objects contours and runs into difficulties when fa- 
cing concave boundaries. 
In this paper we apply an algorithm which uses a modified ver- 
sion of the active countour model which features a new class of 
external forces to addresses the problems listed above. 
Generally, the most common method used to detect an edge 
contour in an image is to set the external energies as the negati- 
ve modulus of the gray level gradient of the image. 
We define this energy as the negative of the modulus of a wave- 
let transform of the image. In particular we utilize wavelet tran- 
sforms to obtain a filtered image at a certain scale. The desired 
contour is accordingly identified, through the active contour 
model, working on.the filtered image. Then, the obtained 
contour is taken as the initial position of the snake on a 
wavelet-filtered image corresponding to a more accurate scale. 
The process ends when the scale (detail) level of the original 
image has been reached. 
The algorithm has been applied to identify different features 
and detect linear characteristics in satellite images. 
A snake (Kass et al., 1987) is a parametric curve defined in the 
image domain which is initialized manually by a set of control 
points, lying on an open or closed curve. 
v(s) = (x(s), y(5)) se [0,1] (1) 
Associated to a snake is an energy function which is used to 
move the snake across the image. For each control point, the 
energy is recalculated for all points in its neighborhood and the 
point that minimizes this energy function is used to update the 
control point. Once the update procedure settles, one has 
hopefully detected a feature of interest (edge), which can be 
reconstructed by interpolation among the control points. 
The energy functional to be minimized is defined as 
E uem. HE) Eus (0())) ds @) 
, Corresponding author. r.dellarocca@unisa.it; tel. and fax: 39 89 964366. 
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