Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
It has been shown (Mallat, 1998) that fast implementation of 
(12) can be achieved when s is an integer power of 2 by 
filtering alternatively through a low-pass filter (L) and a high- 
pass filter (H). 
Then, the external energy at scale s is defined as the negative 
of the modulus of wavelet transform at scale s 
Wi yy (13) 
SE = rf + 
The above definition. of external energy together with the 
continuation method in the wavelet domain represents a 
generalized version of the  gradient-based — scale-space 
continuation method. 
We employ this wavelet- based snake model in our experiments 
on satellite images. The flow chart of utilized model is shown 
in Figure 1. 
snake shake snake 
final snake Æ calculation |< calculation «calculation |<<— initial snake 
wavelet wavelet wavelet 
modulus modulus modulus 
f d I 
H H H ; 
lowpass lowpass lowpass i 
A i wavelet 
i decomposition 
Original L 1 L i 
- b : 
Image I > lowpass lowpass 4 lowpass i 
* pe scale 
fine coarse 
Figure 1. Flow chart of the wavelet-based active contour model 
The wavelet-based active contour model has been tested on 
satellite images to determine different features and detect linear 
characteristics. This model has been applied on SAR images 
first, and then on high resolution images. 
In this paper we present tests carried out on a SAR image of 
Italy aimed at the detection of the coastline. 
Coastline detection is generally based on the comparison with 
existing cartography, which is relative to temporarily distant 
periods and it would therefore demand a repeated updating not 
realistically feasible. 
The use of satellite images represents, potentially, a faster and 
flexible alternative. In particular, these images allow to cover 
wide scales, at unprecedented uniform accuracy levels. 
Edge detection in SAR images is made difficult by the presence 
of speckle, and std. methods developed for optical images are 
generally applied only after a process of speckle reduction. 
The wavelet-based active contour model combine wavelet 
decomposition (Dohono, 1995) and edge detection in a single 
With reference to the flow chart in Figure 1, the first operation 
consists in filtering through a low-pass filter and a high-pass 
filter the original image. We shall refer as an illustration to the 
SAR image acquired by the ERS-2 Satellite on 25 June 1995 of 
gulf of Salerno (Italy). 
Figure 2. Original image 
After the low-pass and high-pass filters are applied, the results 
arc displayed in the following figures, which refer to three 
different scales of increasing accuracy 
Figure 3. Low-pass and high-pass filters applied to the original 
image at three different scales of increasing accuracy. 
We next calculate the wavelet modulus by using (13) at all 
scales. At each step, the snake is obtained. The resulting curve 
is used as an initial guess for the snake at the next finer scale. 
The process is repeated until the finest scale available in the 
original image is reached . 
The : 
We | 

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