Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
to carthquake is satisfactory. A high degree of aggreement is 
evident between the assessment results and the reference 
data. A total of 282 buildings falling within the selected area 
of study were assessed. Of these buildings, 205 were 
correctly labeled as collapsed and un-collapsed, providing an 
overall accuracy of 72.6%. Of the total 79 collapsed 
buildings, 63 were correctly detected. The producer’s and the 
user’s accuracies were computed, for collapsed buildings, as 
79.5% and 50.8% respectively. Compared with the 
producer’s accuracy, the user’s accuracy is significantly low. 
It appears that sixteen buildings were omitted from the 
collapsed category. 
For un-collapsed buildings, the user’s accuracy was found to 
be remarkably higher than that of collapsed buildings. The 
producer’s and user’s accuracies of un-collapsed buildings 
were computed as 70.0% and 89.9% respectively. Of the total 
203 un-collapsed buildings, 61 were omitted from this 
category while 142 were labeled correctly. The assessment 
results are also illustrated graphically in figure 6. In the 
figure, the green colored buildings represent the un-collapsed 
buildings. The red colored buildings represent the collapsed 
buildings. The yellow and the blue colored buildings 
represent the omisssion error for collapsed and un-collapsed 
buildings, respectively. 
Collapsed | Un-collapsed | Total 
Collapsed 63 61 124 
Un-collapsed 16 142 158 
Total 79 203 282 
Producer’s (%) | 79.7 70.0 
User’s (%) 50.8 89.9 
Overall (%) 72.6 
Table 1. The error matrix. 
The érroneously categorized buildings were further 
investigated to find out what might have caused them to 
deviate from reference data. It appears that the main reason 
for 16 collapsed buildings to be wrongly categorized as un- 
collapsed is the spacing between the buildings. The rather 
short distance between the buildings caused the line segments 
detected through perceptual grouping to match with the 
wrong buildings. Therefore, 16 collapsed buildings were 
wrongly labeled as un-collapsed. Similarly, 61 un-collapsed 
buildings were wrongly categorized as collapsed. There 
seems to be two main reasons that cause these false 
negatives. The first one was the absence of the edges on the 
boundaries of the buildings. It was therefore, impossible to 
find a line segment corresponding to the edges of the 
buildings. Of the 61 un-collapsed buildings, 38 were found to 
be erroneously labeled due to this reason. The second reason 
was the vectorization process, through which the line 
segments were detected and smoothed. The smoothing 
process might have changed the orientations of the line 
segments. Therefore, the difference between the orientations 
of the line segments and the edges of vector building 
polygons might have stayed above the pre-set threshold level. 
Therefore, because the rule of orientation does not work in 
such a case the un-collapsed buildings are wrongly labeled as 
collapsed, therefore. 
Figure 6. The results of the assessments. 
In this study, an approach was presented for detecting the 
collapsed buildings due to earthquake. The proposed 
approach is based on the perceptual grouping and utilizes the 
relationship between the buildings and the cast shadows. The 
results of the analysis reveal that cast shadows can provide 
very useful cues for detecting the collapsed buildings. The 
results achieved in this study are satisfactory. The overall 
accuracy was computed as 72.7%. Of the 79 collapsed 
buildings, 63 were detected correctly, providing 79.7% 
producer’s accuracy. Compared with the collapsed buildings, 
a lower degree of agreement is evident between the 
assessment results and the reference data for un-collapsed 
buildings. Of the total 203 un-collapsed buildings, 142 were 
labeled correctly, providing 70.0% producer’s accuracy. 
Turker, M. and San, B.T., 2003. SPOT HRV data analysis 
for detecting earthquake-induced changes in Izmit, Turkey. 
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(12), pp. 2439- 
Turker, M. and Cetinkaya, B., in press. Automatic detection 
of earthquake damaged buildings using DEMs created from 
pre- and  post-earthquake stereo aerial photographs. 
International Journal of Remote Sensing. 
Turker, M. and San, B.T., in press. Detection of collapsed 
buildings caused by the 1999 Izmit, Turkey earthquake 
through digital analysis of post-event aerial photographs. 
International Journal of Remote Sensing. 
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