International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
starting parameter and these measurements are given to the
algorithm by the operator. (Vosselman, 1998).
These kind of algorithms have snake algorithm basis. Snake
algorithm uses the energy function and aims at the result
product of the two methods mentioned above.
This method has some difficulties:
i. Relating to the radiometric quality of the image, the
alteration threshold of pixels in gray values are not
il. Because of the noise in the image, some of the road-
making pixels have different gray values and this
causes broken contours.
iii. In urban areas, objects on the roads may cause the
image of the road to appear broken.
The Algorithm developed in this study is principally a guide
algorithm. However, it uses the gray values belonging to the
contours that the operator chooses as the starting parameter.
2.3.1. Determining the Colour Threshold of Contours:
This Process is used to define raster to vector conversion
parameters. The parameters are calculated by training contour
samples. Except for this, the different ground colors on the map
effects the contour pixels color directly. Thus, with this step, a
new training group is built for each ground color and different
threshold values are calculated for each group.
The collected data is the gray value of the pixels belonging to
their RGB bands. For calculation process, minimum and
maximum RGB values are found for each group.
R() € Map()
G() e Map() (1)
B() € Map()
Roe RO RS € R(
G x € 00 Cus € CQ (2)
B, € PO, Bua € BO
where RO, GO, BO = bands of scanned map image.
Rao Gao Bg ^ maximum gray values of the contour
sample set.
Rain Gai» Bag ? maximum gray values of the contour
sample set.
2.3.2. Raster to Vector Conversion: To start the automatic
elevation value election process, the image matrix is scanned
from left to right. If the scanned pixel and at least one of its
eight neighbors are in the gray value of contours, they are
chosen as the starting pixels. This x, y image coordinated pixel
is taken as the i, j coordinated central element of 3x3 nucleus
matrix. If the gray values of pixels in Ryiy- Rx, Gai Gg, and
Bmmin-Bmax (Eq. 2) then it is given a value of 1 and the others 0.
The center of gravity is calculated using the coordinates of
pixels that have 1 gray value. The binary pixels are created like
Costa (2001). This value is taken as a central pixel of the new
nucleus matrix. If the centers of gravity of binary image pixels
intersect with the nucleus matrix central pixel, the closest I
gray value pixel is chosen as the next target.
Thus, the first matched pixel is used as the starting point of the
polygon. The recent pixel coordinate is added to the polygon.
Again the recent pixel is taken as the center pixel of nucleus
matrix. For these steps, gray values of pixels which are in the
elevation value threshold are taken as 1 and the others are taken
as 0. While calculating their center of gravity, the central pixel,
the neighbors of the former central pixel and nucleus matrix are
not taken into consideration. The process is repeated in this
2.33. The Node Elimination Process of the Vectors: After
the vector data production process, approximately 500 000 to
2 000 000 broken contours occur, according to the topological
structure of the map. This abundance of broken contours
requires a large memory and increases the time spent for the
analyses. The increase in the analyses time is geometrically
proportional with the number of broken contours.
Line generalization algorithms are not used for decreasing the
number of broken contours, because the broken points
mentioned are in the middle of the pixels and they make an
angle of 45 or multiples of this number. These kind of sharp
angles between broken contours cause the line generalization
algorithms to increase the number of broken points.
Figure 1. Vectors from raster (pink colored)
In this study, a method is chosen to delete the broken contours
systematically. The only parameter of the method is the number
of the nodes to be deleted. This choice is made by the user
interactively, according to the topological structure of the map
(Figure 1).
2.34. Editing the Broken Contours: Elevation lines can
be broken because of some deformations or other cartographical
objects on the map. The greatest factor that affects the speed of
this step is the number of broken contours. Another important
parameter is the threshold value distance for connections to be
chosen, since the elevation lines are very close especially in
hilly areas. If a wide threshold value is chosen, neighbor curves
can be joined. So, it is concluded in this study that this choice
should be made by the operator.
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