Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
perpendicular pair in region of interest. That is so called '*90- 
degree filtering". Figure 3b is the result for 90-degree filtering. 
After 90-dgree filtering, we make a length threshold. If the 
length of a perpendicular pair is less than 1 percent of region's 
total length of line segments, that pair is eliminated. Figure 3c 
represents the filtered histogram in which the bin counts are the 
total number of pixels (length summation of line segments) and 
it is used for determine dominant direction of region. By this 
algorithm, we can expect non-road and non-building roof edges 
to be ignored. 
From the Figure 3c, this region has four dominant directions 
about 0°, 45°, 90°, 135°, by intuitive inspection. We need 
mathematically separate it to determine the number of 
dominant direction. We used a hierarchical histogram- 
clustering method to determine the dominant angle set. After 
making dominant angle sets, we can calculate a representative 
angle for each set by following equations. 
S 9, xn, 
Oum = 
Where n; is the length of line. As a consequence, the study area 
has four dominant directions, and the angles are 2.9°, 42.2°, 
02.5°, md 132.15. 
2.3 Image Splitting with Quadtree Data Structure 
The objective of Image splitting in this paper is to partition an 
image into regions until all regions have their own single pair 
of dominant directions. To partition the image, we applied the 
quadtree data structure. The following basic formulation is very 
similar to Gonzalez’ (1992) Region-Oriented Segmentation 
Let R represent the whole image region and it is divided into n 
sub regions liker Rj, R» ..... R, such that 
(a) X 
(b) R; is a rectangular region, i=1,2,..... n, 
(c) RAR; is null set for all / and j, i 7 j, 
(d) P(R;) =TRUE if this region has only one pair of dominant 
Region is subdivided into four disjointed quadrants region if 
P(R;) =FALSE. That means the R; region has more than one pair 
of dominant direction. This splitting technique has a convenient 
representation form called the quadtree. Quadtree concept is 
represented in Figure 4. 
j=1 cos a den 
R | Ri | R (Re) (Re) 
e | tiit. * : «C CSS. 
| Rut | Ru E C NONE D d s 
Ri Ru Re), [Ra } [Ru {Ra} (Re } (Ro) (Re 
Re | Re » 
Figure 4. Concept for Quadtree image splitting 
Let the size of the entire image be m x n. First, calculate the 
entire image (R)'s dominant directions and if the entire region 
has only one pair of dominant directions, then image splitting is 
stopped. Otherwise, this region is subdivided into disjoint four 
quadrant regions (Rj, R» R;, R;). Second, if each A; has only 
one pair of dominant directions, then splitting is stopped. 
Otherwise, each region is subdivided again into four quadrant 
disjoint rectangular regions of which size is m/2 x n/2. This 
process proceeds until all regions have their own pair of 
dominant directions or the region reaches a lower threshold 
limit. The region threshold can be predefined as a city block 
size (MiNpioex). The region segmentation result is shown in 
Figure 5. The red rectangle is the region which has one pair of 
dominant directions and the yellow region denote that dominant 
directions are not determined and splitting is stopped because 
the minimum size threshold has been reached. The reason why 
those regions don’t have one pair of dominant directions is 
usually due to lack of line segments. In such cases of too few 
line segments, we skip 90 degree filtering and proceed to 
histogram clustering. 
Figure 5. Image segmentation based on road directions 
3. The position of the line on the road 
Each region from the quadtree has its own two dominant road 
directions and, as mentioned above, those directions are parallel 
with road and building edges. Let's imagine two virtual needles 
that penetrate the two dimension edge image spaces and a 
compare a measure for both needles. We define a free passage 
to quantify this concept. Specifically, a needle which meets 
many edges will have a small free passage measure, whereas a 
needle which meets few or no edges will have a large free 
passage measure. Figure 6 illustrate the “needle piercing" 
process through an edge image. Because of the analogy with 
needle, we call this process the “Acupuncture Method”. 
Scan and count 
the edge pixel 
Pei n e LU a Ill — 
Needle fe . CE D II += e E = 
Needens 7 7 = = ell qM mE Cm REC 
|] u a) PE 
Figure 6. Penetrating needles on the edge image 
Replacing the needles as line equations on the edge image 
aligned with the dominant directions, and stepping exhaustively 
across the edge image, we can compute a free passage measure 
for each candidate line. We denote the two dominant directions 
64 and 6,. The free passage measure for a fixed dominant 
direction and a given p is generated by following steps. Before 
implementing the steps, the range of p is defined as 
Pmin = Min (1, NL:cos0) 
Pmax = Max (NS"sin0, NL-cos0 + NS'sin0 ) 
Pmin S p S P max 

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