Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

ibul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
and s<e, the relative transformations f. 1» Sie between each 
pair of successive GPS/INS updates are adjusted to achieve 
global matching between 7, and 7,’, while maintaining local 
Relative transformations ;,,,, s«i«e are adjusted in an 
iterative way, where in the kth iteration, a Ar a is calculated 
for each i p 5sise. It is updated as follows. 
Ut 1. 
-l - 
Art. sant ut 3 Ai, as uti siut 
Hi ele e s ssl 
HW eM un (9) 
Ei INES! Lil 
The process continued until |r JT | is smaller than a 
e e 
given threshold or can never be minimized any more, where 
| is the norm of the vector. Denote i and T. as the 
it 7 
rectified Le and T respectively. 7 , S< j<e are obtained 
by sequentially aligning {88s follows. 
IT, =T5 1), (9) 
s.s] id4l J-LJ 
Since GPS/INS parameters drift in a non-linear way 
according to the local surroundings, they are rectified using the 
ground truths at a number of updates. Let T X demie due 
g2 gn 
represents the n true transformations at the GPS/INS updates 
#gl, #g2, ..., ign, where g/ «g2«... «gn. Correction of T's at all 
GPS/INS updates is conducted as follows. 
Algorithm Rectification of GPS/INS parameters using a 
number of ground truths 
Input GPS/INS measured transformations msi N} 
< S =< N} 
> ^. 4 ^ ce {iq t 
Input » ground truths { T [iso So; 
Output Rectified transformations T, |1</<N} 
for k=1:n 
if k=/ 
let A7 = ri SP 
for i-1:N (7 =7 AT) 
calculate {7 | 24 ST $ 2; — 1} 
frigus 7l AT ST f 
let AT” Tl 
fori 0, N (T zT-AT! 
3.2 Obtaining the ground truths 
In this research, the true transformations at a number of 
GPS/INS updates are obtained in two levels, so that GPS/INS 
parameters are rectified in two subsequent steps, horizontal and 
vertical registration. True values of the horizontal parameters, 
Le. o,,0, andk, are obtained using a number of manually 
assigned tie-points, which reflect the correspondences between 
the laser points of VLMS and a DSM that is treated as the 
ground truth. On the other hand, true values of the vertical 
parameter, i.e. o_, are obtained by horizontally registering the 
laser points of VLMS to the data source of ground truth, and 
sampling the elevation values of the data of ground truth along 
the vehicle's measurement course. 
Obtaining the true values of horizontal parameters: A set of 
tie points consists of two pairs of closely located corresponding 
points. Figure 6 shows an example, where p, and p, are 
VLMS measurements to building corners from the vehicle 
positions o, and o,, respectively. p,' and p,' corresponds to 
P and pss which are represented by a DSM. Let (0,50, 3K) 
denote the horizontal position and orientation parameters 
obtained from GPS/INS combination at 0, and (0,50, K,) 
denote their true values. Suppose o, and o, are near to each 
other, so that the difference of GPS/INS drifts ( Ax , Ay, AK ) 
between them are ignored. Let 0, '= 0, 4x so, mort AY. 
x, kt AK, (Ax, Ay, Ak) are obtained by matching p, p, 
to p, p, as follows, where 75 and p,' Serve as the 
directional points in finding the orientation drift of Ax, p, and 
p, are the axis points, the resulted Ax, Ay, Ax are treated as 
the GPS/INS drift at 0,- 
Considering the horizontal parameters of Formula 7, 
P; and P; ', i=1,2 are represented as follows. 
COS”, —sinxw _ 
2, = =p +0, (11) 
COSK, + AK Ay 
eum 7 —sink, + Ax Ax (12) 
sink; + Ax 
= 5. ' ' = = 1 
Let V, T P» = Pr V, HET P» -P 2 and V, 705 0,» it has 
cosk, -—cosk, Y P., -sinx, sink, YP.» 
v, = ; . dd a dy 
sink, -sink, AP, cosx, -—cosK, / P. 
COSÁK —sin AK 14 
Ya al (973) (14) 
sinAK | cCOSAK 
Thus Ax, Ay, A« are obtained as follows. 
Ak = cos” lq vv, =v, p] (15) 
Axe pco. - BOT cose 4 Ax). P. "sine ^ Ax) (00) 
Ay p 0,75. sin + Ar) 5. “cost, Ax) (17) 
Where, |v| denotes the normalized vector of v. 
Obtaining the true value of vertical parameter: Vertical 
registration is conducted, after the position and orientation 
parameters of GPS/INS updates are horizontally rectified, and 
the laser points of VLMS are horizontally registered to the 
DSM. GPS/INS updates of VLMS are equally sampled, and at 
each sampled vehicle position, the ground truth is calculated as 
follows. Let (050,50, ) be the vehicle position of GPS/INS 
measurement, o. ' be the elevation value at (9 0) obtained 
from the DSM, 7 is the height from the origin of HISS 
coordinate system to the ground surface, which is measured 
previously in calibration process, o.'=0_.'+h is treated as the 
true value of o, at(o.,o.). 

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