Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
2.1 Digital 360? Panoramic Camera (M2) 
The digital panoramic camera EYESCAN will be preliminary 
used as a measurement system to create high-resolution 360? 
panoramic images for photogrammetry and computer vision 
(Scheibe, 2001, Klette, 2001). The sensor principle is based on a 
CCD line, which is mounted on a turntable parallel to the 
rotation direction. Moving the turntable generates the second 
image direction. To reach highest resolution and a large field of 
view a CCD-line with more then 10,000 pixels is used. This 
CCD is a RGB triplet and allows acquiring true colour images. 
A high SNR electronic design allows a short capture time for a 
360? scan. 
EYESCAN is designed for rugged everyday field use as well as 
for the laboratory measurement. Combined with a robust and 
powerful portable PC it becomes easy to capture seamless 
digital panoramic pictures. The sensor system consists of the 
camera head, the optical part (optics, depth dependencies) and 
the high precision turntable with DC-gear-system motor. 
Number of Pixel 3*10200 (RGB) 
Radiometric 14 bit / 8 bit per channel 
Shutter speed 4ms up to infinite 
Data rate 15 Mbytes / s 
Data volume 360? (optics | 3GBytes 
Acquisition time 4 min 
Power supply 12 V 
Table 1. Technical parameter of the digital panoramic camera 
Table 1 summarise the principle features of the camera: The 
camera head is connected to the PC with a bidirectional fibre 
link for data transmission and camera control. The camera head 
is mounted on a tilt unit for vertical tilt of x30? with 15° stops. 
Axis of tilt and rotation are in the needlepoint. 
The preprocessing of the data consists of data correction 
(PRNU, DSNU, offsets) and a (non linear) radiometric 
normalisation to cast the data from 16 to 8 bit. All this 
procedures can be run in real time or off line. Additional 
software parts are responsible for real-time visualisation of 
image data, a fast preview for scene selection and a quick look 
during data recording. 
2.2 The Laser Scanner 3D-LS 
In the experiments M2 images were supported by the 3D-LS 
depth data. This imaging laser scanner carries out the depth 
measurement by side-tone ranging (Wehr, 1999). This means, 
the optical signal emitted from a semiconductor laser is 
modulated by high frequency signals. As the laser emits light 
continuously such laser system are called continuous wave (cw) 
laser system. The phase difference between the transmitted and 
received signal is proportional to the two-way slant range. 
Using high modulation frequencies, e.g. 314 MHz, resolutions 
down to the tenth of a millimetre are possible. 
Besides depth information these scanners sample for each 
measurement point the backscattered laser light with a 13 bit 
resolution. Therefore, the user obtains 3D surface images. The 
functioning of the laser scanner is explained in (Wehr, 1999). 
The technical parameter are compiled in Table 2 
Laser power 0.5 mW 
Optical wavelength 670 nm 
Inst. field of view (IFOV) | 0.1? 
Field of view (FOV) 30°x 30° 
- 2-dimensional line (standard) 
- vertical line scan 
- free programmable pattern 
Pixels per image max. 32768 x 32768 pixels 
Range <= 10m 
Ranging accuracy 0.1 mm (for diffuse reflecting 
targets, p=60%, 1 m distance) 
2 kHz (using on side tone) 
600 Hz (using two side tones) 
Table 2. Technical parameter of 3D-LS 
Scanning pattern 
Measurement rate 
2.3 Applanix POS-AV 510 
The attitude measurement is the key problem of this combined 
approach. For demonstration we use the airborne attitude 
measurement system POS AV 510 from Applanix, which is 
designed for those applications that require both excellent 
absolute accuracy and relative accuracy. An example of this 
would be a high altitude, high resolution digital line scanner. 
The absolute measurement accuracy after post processing is 
5-30 cm in position, 66=8¢=0.005° for pitch or roll and 
Sw=0.008° for heading. 
For an object distance D the angle dependent spatial accuracy d 
is therefore 
d= D-2. (5 inrad). 
For an object distance D=10m the spatial accuracy is d=1mm 
and appropriate for verification of a mobile mapping appli- 
cation. : 
For a future mobile mapping system a simpler attitude measure- 
ment, which is also less expensive is necessary. For this purpose 
we expect in the next few years new gyro development and 
improved post processing algorithms. 
Figure | shows the mechanical integration of the three sensor 
systems. In the following POSLAS-PANCAM will be 
abbreviated to PLP-CAM. This construction allows a precise 
relation between 3D-LS and panoramic data which is the main 
requirement for data fusion. The 3D-LS data are related to the 
POS data as the lever arms were minimised with regard to the 
laser scanner and are well defined by the construction. 
Figure 1. PLP-CAM 

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