International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
Dempster-Shafer theory allows the combination of the
probability masses from several sensors to compute a combined
Hr > 9
probability mass for each class 4 e 2^:
[1m (8, )
BOB m. MB„= A] Isisp
m(A)= — (2)
1- I; (8)
BOB MB =0] ISisp
As soon as the combined probability masses m(A) have been
determined from the original ones, both Sup(A) and Sup( A )
can be computed. The accepted hypothesis C, e 0 is the class
obtaining maximum support.
2.2 Initial Land Cover Classification
In this process, we want to achieve a per-pixel classification of
the input data into one of four classes: buildings (B), trees (7),
grass land (G), and bare soil (S). Five cues are used for this
purpose, two of them being surface roughness parameters
derived by applying polymorphic feature extraction (Fórstner,
1994) to the first derivatives of the DSM. They are as follows:
1.The height differences AH between the DSM and the DTM
distinguish elevated objects (trees and buildings) from others.
We assign a probability mass Pj — P; (AH) ascending with
AH to the combined class B CT, and (7 - P4) to G CS.
2.The height differences AH;, between the first and the last
pulse DSMs are large in areas covered by trees. We assign a
probability mass Py; — Py, (AHpj;) ascending with AH, to
class T, and (/ - Pr) to B (GG CS. By doing so we neglect
that large values of A77; might also occur at the borders of
buildings and at power lines.
3.The NDVI is an indicator for vegetation, thus for classes 7
and G. We assign a probability mass Py = Py(NDVI)
ascending with NDVI to the combined class 7 « G, and
(1- Py) to B US.
4. The strength R of surface roughness, i.e. the texture strength
of polymorphic feature extraction, is large in areas of great
variations of the surface normal vectors, which is typical for
trees. We assign a probability mass Pr = Pg(R) ascending
with A to class 7, and (/- Pj) to B UG US. By doing so we
neglect that large values of A might also occur at the borders
of buildings and at step edges of the terrain.
5.The directedness D of surface roughness, i.e. the texture
directedness of polymorphic feature extraction, is also an
indicator for trees, but only if R differs from 0 significantly;
otherwise, D is dominated by noise. We assign a probability
mass Pp = Pp(R, D) ascending with D to class T7, and (1- Pp)
to B UG CS.
The probability masses Py, Pri, Py, Pr, and Pp, are assumed to
be equal to a constant P; for input parameters x « x;. For input
parameters x ^ x; they are assumed to be equal to another
constant P», with 0 € P, « P; x I. Between x, and x», the
probability mass is assumed to be a cubic parabola:
In equation 3, i € /AH, R, FL, N, D}. P, and P; are chosen to be
5% and 95%, respectively. Further, we choose (x, xj) =
P(x)» P, « (P, - A): (n x-
X» T X
Ny =X
(1.5 m, 3.0 m) for AH and AH; and (x;, x) = (30%, 65%) for
the NDVI. With respect to Ps, (x;. x;) are linked to the median
of R to make the definition of P, adaptive to the slope
variations in a scene: (x, x») = [2-median(R), 15-median(R)].
Pj is modelled in the same way with (x, x) = (0.1, 0.9) if
R € R,,;,, and by Py = 0.5 otherwise: if the slope variations are
not significant, D thus cannot be used to distinguish any of the
classes. We choose Rai 5-median(R). The combined
probability masses are computed for each pixel using equation
2, and the pixel is assigned to the class of maximum support. It
is an important property of this method that no sharp thresholds
are required, but the probability mass functions have a smooth
transition between two levels P; and P;.
2.3 Final Classification of Building Regions
After the initial classification, we obtain a binary image of
building pixels. Only a small local neighbourhood contributed
to the classification of each pixel (via R and D), which causes
classification errors, e.g. singular "building" pixels, or "tree"
pixels inside buildings. We use a morphological opening filter
to eliminate singular building pixels. After that, we create a
building label image by a connected component analysis. A
second classification based on the Dempster-Shafer theory is
applied to the initial building regions thus detected, using four
cues representing average values for each building region. The
average height differences AH, between the DSM and the DTM
and the average NDVI (NDVI,) are used in the same way as AH
and NDVI in the initial classification. We use different
parameters related to surface roughness. The percentage 77 of
pixels classified as "homogeneous" in polymorphic feature
extraction is an indicator for an object consisting of smooth
surface patches. Thus, we assign a probability mass Py ^ Pj(H)
to class B (G C S, and (1 - Pjj) to T. The percentage P of
pixels classified as “point-like” in polymorphic feature
extraction is an indicator for trees. We assign a probability mass
Pp = Pp(P) to class T, and (7 - Py) to B (G CS.
The mathematical model described in section 2.2 is also used
for computing the probability masses for AH, H, P, and NDVT,.
Again, we choose P; = 5% and P, = 95%, further (x; x;) =
(1.5 m, 3.0 m) for AH, (Xi, x) = (30%, 65%) for NDVI,
(x5, x3) = (0%, 60%) for H, and (x, x») = (30%, 75%) for P.
The combined probability masses are evaluated for each initial
building region, and if such a region is assigned to another class
than “building”, it is eliminated. Finally, the building regions
are slightly grown to correct for building boundaries
erroneously classified as trees.
2.4 Results of Building Detection
Figure 1 shows the results of the initial Dempster-Shafer
classification on the left and the final building label image on
the right. After morphological opening of the binary image of
the building pixels and after eliminating candidate regions
smaller than 10 m? the second Dempster-Shafer classification
is carried out for altogether 2291 building candidate regions.
344 of these regions are found to belong to a class other than
“building”, so that we finally obtain 1947 building regions.
In the initial classification, class “bare soil” mainly corresponds
to streets and parking lots. Trees are situated near the river
crossing the scene, along the streets in the residential areas, and
in backyards. Step edges at the building boundaries are often
classified as trees. Given the resolution of the LIDAR data, it