Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
was not easy to separate trees from buildings in the residential 
areas. A few residential buildings were erroneously classified as 
trees, especially if the roof consisted of many small faces. 
Problems also occurred with bridges, chimneys or other objects 
on top of large buildings, with parked cars, and with power 
lines. Shadows in the colour orthophoto were an error source. 
There are no shadows in the LIDAR intensity data, so that the 
“pseudo-NDVI” was systematically wrong in these areas. 
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Figure 1. Left: results of the initial classification. White: grass 
land. Light grey: bare soil. Dark grey: trees. Black: 
buildings. Right: the final building label image. 
In order to evaluate our method, the completeness and the 
correctness (Heipke, 1997) of the results were determined both 
on a per-pixel and on a per-building level. The evaluation on a 
per-pixel level shows that 94% of the building pixels were 
actually detected. The missed buildings were small residential 
buildings, some having roofs with high reflectance in the 
wavelength of the laser scanner (thus, a high pseudo-NDVI), 
others having roofs consisting of many small planar faces, or 
they are too small to be detected given the resolution of the 
LIDAR data. For a few larger industrial buildings, some 
building parts could not be detected due to errors in DTM 
generation. 85% of the pixels classified as building pixels do 
actually correspond to a building. This number is affected by 
errors at the building boundaries, and there are a few larger 
false positives at bridges, at small terrain structures not covered 
by vegetation, and at container parks. 
100 T T 
ON | 
<10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 “230 
Area [n] 
—#— Completeness —H= Correctness 
Figure 2. Completeness and correctness of the detection results 
in dependence of the building size. 
The results of the evaluation on a per-building basis are 
presented in figure 2. It shows the cumulative completeness and 
correctness for buildings being larger than the area shown in the 
abscissa. Our algorithm detected 95% of all buildings larger 
than 50m? and 90% of the buildings larger than 30 m°. 
Buildings smaller than 30 m? (mostly garden sheds or garages) 
could not usually be detected. The correctness was 9676 for 
buildings larger than 120 m? and 8996 for all detected regions. 
The work flow for the geometric reconstruction of the buildings 
consists of four steps (Rottensteiner and Briese, 2003): 
. Detection of roof planes based on a segmentation of the 
DSM and/or the image data to find planar segments which 
are expanded by region growing algorithms. 
. Grouping of roof planes and model generation: Co-planar 
roof segments are merged, and hypotheses for intersection 
lines and/or step edges are created based on an analysis of the 
neighbourhood relations. This results in a model consisting of 
a conglomerate of roof planes, complemented by walls. 
3. Consistent estimation of the model parameters: The 
parameters of the building models are improved by a 
consistent estimation procedure using all the available data. 
4.Model regularisation: The models are improved by 
introducing hypotheses about geometric constraints between 
planes, and parameter estimation is repeated. 
In this section we want to show how the fusion of a LIDAR 
DSM and digital aerial images contributes to an improved 
detection of planar segments and an improved delineation of the 
roof boundary polygons. Examples will be presented for the 
building in figure 3. 
Figure 3. Left: DSM of a building (grid width: 0.5 m). Right: 
aerial image (ground resolution: 0.17 m). Length of 
the larger wing of the building: 30 m. 
3.1 Data Fusion for Roof Plane Detection 
The left part of figure 4 shows the planar segments that were 
extracted from the DSM in figure 3 using the iterative 
segmentation scheme by Rottensteiner and Briese (2003). The 
basic structure of the building has been captured, but the 
segment outlines are very irregular. A proper determination of 
the roof plane boundaries from these results is difficult for two 
reasons. First, the segmentation errors cause errors in the 
neighbourhood relations between the segments, the latter being 
important prerequisites for checking whether the intersection 
line between two neighbouring planes is a part of the boundary 
polygons. Second, the geometric quality of step edges is poor in 
LIDAR data, and in order to improve it, better approximations 
are required. In other cases than the one depicted in figure 3, 
some of the roof planes might actually be missing 
(Rottensteiner and Briese, 2003). The results of roof plane 
segmentation in figure 4 can be improved by matching the 
planar segments detected in the DSM with image segments. 
We extract homogeneous segments from the aerial images using 
polymorphic feature extraction (Foerstner, 1994). In order to 
mitigate the problem of erroneously merged regions, this is 
done iteratively, in a similar way as for DSMs (Rottensteiner 
and Briese, 2003). We use the DSM for geo-coding the results 
of image segmentation, yielding a label image in object space 
for each of the aerial images involved (figure 4). The resolution 
of these label images is chosen in accordance with the image 

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