Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
5.2 Topologic model 
After the use of the first tool, the frontage faces and the rooftop 
contour lines are identified and structured into a database 
working on MySQL and EasyPHP. (Figure 13). 
Only the structured four-points-faces are recorded in the 
database, the initial model is recorded as graphical design and 
can be displayed on demand. 
Figure 13. Model in hidden line rendering mode extracted from 
5.3 Images 
The photography of each frontage (Figure 14) can be used into 
the second tools to enrich geometrically and thematically the 
model. The Figure 15 shows the model geometrically enriched. 
Figure 15 : Frontages geometrically enriched 
5.4 Texture images 
With the orientation parameters defined in the second step, the 
third tools realize the computing of texture-images of the 
frontage associated to each part of the frontage (Figure 16). 
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5.5 Final 3D model 
Figure 16 : Frontages geometrically enriched and textured 
The tools described in this paper allow to overpass the first 
level of the description of a building. In this first level, the 
frontage surfaces are considered as planar vertical faces. From 
now, the frontage have acquired a new dimension and a higher 
detailing grade because it is now possible to decompose a 
frontage into stories (horizontal division) and each story into 
different parts according to characteritics of interest for the end 
user. Besides, the geometric definition of the frontage is 
refined. The different architectural entities that constitute the 
frontage (balconie, porch, recess, etc) are identified and can be 
quantified with a depth or a shift value from the frontage plane. 
In a geometric point of view, the obtained definition level is 
more in accordance with the needs of a 3D-GIS and its 
At this time, we did not want to replace the old frontage faces 
by the new computed frontage parts. This will not prevent from 
3D analyzes. 
The use of photographies from the frontage of the modeled 
buildings seems to be a relevant way to access to 3D 
informations and allows to represent and to use them into 
system we can qualify as 3D-systems. 
A lot of improvements can be added to the in this paper three 
presented groups of tools. 
The first tools could be able to define the whole topologic 
relations in more complex 3D models. 
The second tools could allow the definition of whatever 
divisions of the frontage by using a polyline for the division 
trace. This would offer the possibilities to describe and 
represent phenomenon with a more complex geometry. 
The third tools should be able to create rectified textures for 
overhanging objects. They also have to integrate algorithms for 
resampling and for creating texture-images for complex 
References from Journals: 
Koehl, M. [2003] Modeéles et méthodologies de saisie pour 
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References from Other Literature: 
Koehl, M. [1999], Modélisation Géométrique et Sémantique en 
milieu urbain. Intégration dans un Systéme d'Information 
Topographique tridimensionnel, PAD Thesis, 242 pages. 
ENSAIS Strasbourg, France. 
Gaiotti, V., [2003], Définition et conception d'outils de 
modélisation et d'intégration de données dans un S.I.T. 3D 
urbain, Dipl-Thesis, 64 pages. INSA Strasbourg, France. 
Koehl, M. et Grussenmeyer, P. [1998], 3D data acquisition and 
modelling in a Topographic Information System, /APRS, Vol. 
32, Part 4, pp.314-320, Stuttgart, Germany. 
Molenaar, M. [1990], A formal data structure for three 
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