Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
The number of ambiguities using geometrically conditions alone, 
was examined by Maas in (Maas, 1992) for different numbers of 
images. The complexity of the matching strategy arise with the 
number of images, but the high amount of ambiguities to be ex- 
pected requires more images to be reduced. Therefore we use 
n > 2 images and the constrain for an object point, that its im- 
age points are seen in at least three images, to eliminate wrong 
The presented algorithm uses all images simultaneously, therefor 
the test of hypotheses is realised in the object space. The geomet- 
ric condition is that all projection rays of corresponding image 
points intersect in one object point. Therefor we first find match- 
ing hypotheses by using the epipolar constraints defining one im- 
age as the starting image. The epipolarlines between the starting 
image and all other images are calculated and every image point 
close to the epipolarline is a hypotheses for a corresponding point 
to the point in the starting image. The epipolarline can be shorten 
by considering the height extension in object space. To get also 
the points, which are not seen in the first image, but maybe in at 
least three other images, this step should be calculated also for 
other images as starting images. The number of starting images 
depends on the constellation of the image system. Then we deter- 
mine the object points belonging to these two point hypotheses. 
The result is a 3D point cloud, where a group of at least m close 
points define one object point. The number of points m depends 
on the number of starting images. To test the hypotheses of corre- 
spondences, a clustering of the point cloud is calculated using the 
k-means algorithm. The resulting clusters containing at least m 
points belong to one object point. The mean value of the points in 
one cluster is a first approximation of the 3D point determination. 
If a higher quality is required, all points can be finally determined 
with by estimating a bundle adjustment. Therefor we use the im- 
age point correspondences resulting from the points belonging to 
one cluster. We summarize the algorithm into the following steps: 
The main steps of the algorithm for 3D prediction of points 
1. Extraction of points x) in all n images, where j is the 
number of the image and i the number of the point. 
2. define one image as the starting image a. 
3. for all points x? in image a determine hypotheses of 
point correspondences using epipolar lines in all other 
4. define another image as second starting image b. 
5. for all points x? in image 5 determine hypotheses of 
point correspondences using epipolar lines in all other 
6. if necessary repeat point 4 and 5 for as much different 
images as it is convenient. 
7. clustering of the 3D point cloud P resulting from point 
2 to 6 — approximated 3D object points X;,7 = 1..m. 
8. final bundle adjustment of all matched points, using 
X;,à = 1..m as approximated values — final object 
points X;. 
If the imaging system and the resulting images are not projective, 
then there exist two different possibilities: 
l. The specialized strict physical model of the mapping pro- 
cess will be implemented in the algorithm, which is some- 
times not possible, or the strict physical model can be very 
complex and the computational time can rise in dependency 
on the algorithm. 
2. An approximation for the non projective mapping is used 
for the matching process. For the a priori quality control of 
the percentage reduction of computation complexity for the 
replacement of the multi media geometry by a normalized 
projective model see (Wolff and Fórstner, 2001). 
4.2 Application for Non Projective Views 
The application of the approximation by a virtual projective cam- 
era presented in section 3 contains the following steps: 
Implementation of the virtual camera for an effective 3D point 
determination using non projective mappings 
1. determine virtual projective mappings ^P for the obser- 
vation space 
2. matching the image points using ^P 
3. final bundeladjustment using the strict model 
5.1 Data: a surface of a fluvial sediment 
Our work on using multi media geometry is motivated by in- 
vestigations on the generation of fluvial sediments (Wolff and 
Fórstner, 2000). The aim is to derive a physical model of the 
underlying process of the dynamical sediment transport. The sur- 
face of the water is smoothed by a perspex pane. We get the 
standard case of multi media geometry: air, perspex and water 
with plane interfaces. The observed sediment surface is shown 
together with the extracted points of one image in Fig. 2 (for the 
extraction of interest points see (Fórstner, 1994). The surface of 
the sediment was formed by a jet of water hitting the sediment. 
We used four Sony XC-77 CE cameras (748 x 564 pixel) for the 
acquisition of the images. 
Figure 2: Image of the sediment surface with extracted points. 
5.2 Determine the reference data using the strict model 
To get reference data for the quality analysis of the matched im- 
age points and determined object points we carried out the pre- 
sented algorithm using the strict multi media model. We use the 
same software and values for its parameters to calculate reference 
data and the approximated data. 
5.3 Quality analysis 
For the quality analysis of the 3D determination of points using 
the approximation, we want to examine the following points: 

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