Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Because of legal conditions AVT could not get the original 
films. Therefore no investigations concerning the mentioned 
geometrical problems had been possible. 
MATCH-AT permits sub-block handling with free block 
adjustment (see 3.3). To reduce the mentioned problems for the 
automatic tie point detection within the matching process, the 
following strategy was used: 
1. Further splitting into sub-subblocks with similar 
image scales, same flight date and flight time. 
2. Using a rough DTM and approximate values of the 
projection centres of each image (see 3.2) for the 
matching procedure. 
3. Additional manual tie point measuring in problematic 
areas of neighbouring images to achieve a stronger 
4. Connecting sub-subblocks by manually tie point 
5. Common adjustment of connected sub-subblocks. 
3.2 Additional information for the block adjustment 
As mentioned in 2.1 approximate coordinates for the projection 
centres were given. The flight company informed us, that the 
standard deviation of each coordinate is about 1.0 m. 
As aforementioned, different photo scale, large height 
differences in the terrain, different texture because of changed 
vegetation within the images of neighbouring flight lines caused 
some problems for the matching procedure. This process can be 
improved by adding DTM-data. The “DEM 2000 — Digital 
Elevation Model” data with a grid interval of 100 m was used 
during the AAT. These data were submitted by the PAB. 
3.3 Used AAT-Software 
INPHO GmbH is offering two software tools for AAT - 
MATCH-AT and inBLOCK (Saile, 2003). AVT is using 
MATCH-AT, the automatic digital aerial triangulation software 
for the computation of bundle blocks. The main features of this 
adjustment software are: 
- . Support for all standard requirements such as 
processing of blocks of any size and any overlap 
- . Sub-block handling with free block adjustment 
- A Point selection, point transfer, measurement and 
block adjustment are integrated into one process 
without user interactions 
- A Automatic interior orientation 
- Tie points are automatically selected in so-called ‘tie 
point areas (v. Gruber)’ 
- . The AAT procedure combines sophisticated image 
matching techniques with an integrated robust 
- GPS and INS data handling 
- . Graphical representation of results and analysis 
Because of the very specific conditions of the presented project 
an independent review was done. The complete block was 
computed with the new bundle block software inBLOCK too. 
This software offers the following additional features: 
- More flexible mathematical models are used for 
correction of systematic image effects. Available 
models are ‘Physical’ (5 parameters), ‘Brown’ (16 
parameters) and ‘Ebner’ (12 parameters). 
- J Complete statistical information: 
e Internal and external reliability values for all 
observations and unknowns. 
e Traditional values like residuals, RMS and 
standard deviations. 
This section describes the aerial triangulation results which 
have been gotten meanwhile. In Table 2 the a priori standard 
deviations are listed, which have been used for the bundle block 
adjustment with MATCH-AT and inBLOCK. 
Full control points 
Height control points 
Projection centres 
X 7 Y 7 0.05 [m]; Z= 0.07 [m] 
Z- 0.15 [m] 
X = Y = Z = 1.00 [m] 
Table 2. Used standard deviations (a priori) for the block 
adjustment (MATCH-AT and inBLOCK) 
4.1 AAT results using MATCH-AT 
Tables 3a — 3c show the AAT results of the three adjusted 
subblocks. The required accuracy for the aerial triangulation 
results and the succeeding photogrammetric restitutions in the 
scales 1:5.000 and 1:10000 are fully met! 
Strips / images 59 / 949 
Full control points 181 
Height control points 70 
RMS full control points 0.110/ 0.124/ 0.113 [m] 
RMS height control points 0.188 [m] 
RMS projection centres | 1.342/ 0.277/ 0.433 [m] 
RMS adjusted coordinates | 0.065/ 0.071/ 0.162 [m] 
Sigma 0 4.8 [um] 
Table 3a. Block South, results of the block adjustment 
Strips / images 64 / 1009 
Full control points 146 
Height control points 106 
RMS full control points 0.121/ 0.110/ 0.128 [m] 
RMS height control points 0.236 [m] 
RMS projection centres | 1.014/ 0.226/ 0.395 [m] 
RMS adjusted coordinates | 0.068/ 0.077/ 0.160 [m] 
Sigma 0 4.8 [um] 
Table 3b. Block Middle, results of the block adjustment 
Strips / images 66 / 1213 
Full control points 86 
Height control points 44 
RMS full control points 0.132/ 0.112/ 0.150 [m] 
RMS height control points 0.361 [m] 
RMS projection centres | 1.153/ 0.212/ 0.245 [m] 
RMS adjusted coordinates | 0.053/ 0.060/ 0.132 [m] 
Sigma 0 3.9 [um] 
Table 3c. Block North, results of the block adjustment 

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