Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
where SDN = the normalized radiance data for pixel(i,j) 
in band(A) 
DN ,. = the raw radiance data for pixel(i,j) in band(X) 
4, = the mean value for the entire scaled shaded 
relief model (0,255) 
X, = the scaled (0,255) illumination value for 
C, = the correction coefficient for band()) 
In order to calculate the calibration coefficient, the spectral 
responses from large samples falling on the slope facing to and 
away from the sun need to be taken. The correction coefficient 
can be calculated using equation (9). 
i (s, -Ni) (9) 
( N, «nn - (s, T 
: Hy F A 
where N , = the mean on the slope facing away the sun in 
the uncalibrated data for the forest category 
S, — the mean on the slope facing to the sun in the 
uncalibrated data for the forest category 
y, the mean value for the entire scaled shaded 
relief model (0,255) 
p the mean of the illumination of forest on the 
slope facing away from the sun. 
HT the mean of the illumination of forest on the 
slope facing to the sun. 
As the main cover type on the shady slope is Forest, it is 
chosen to demonstrate calculation of the calibration coefficient. 
However, the calibration coefficient calculated will then 
perform best in this cover type. 
4.1 Visual Analysis 
As the visual effect is more impressive in the near-infrared 
band than in a visible band, a visual comparison of the false 
colour images is carried out. Figure 1 presents the false colour 
IKONOS images of, respectively, (a) the original, (b) cosine 
corrected, (c) Minnaert Corrected and (d) normalized images. 
By comparing the images visually, we can see that figure 1(b) 
has the problem of overcorrection. The corrected image 
appears to be too bright in both the sun facing and sun-shaded 
slopes. From figure 1(c), the Minnaert corrected image, it is 
found that the visual effect on the slope facing away from the 
sun has improved significantly. Both the slope facing to the sun 
and slope facing away from the sun with same cover type 
appear to have similar brightness. However, it should be noted 
that the problem of cast-shadow, where the incident angle i > 
90 degrees, is not handled in this correction method and 
remains to be uncorrected. From figure 1(d), it can be seen that 
there is less improvement of brightness compared to figure |(c). 
However, the increase in brightness of the slope facing away 
from the sun can still be seen. 
4.2 Statistical Analysis 
In order to test the accuracy of the topographic corrections 
statistically, training areas of forest and herbaceous covers 
were created on both sunny and shady slopes of the images. 
Mean values and standard deviations of the training areas for 
each band before and after the corrections were calculated and 
compared. Tables 1, 2, 3 show the mean values and standard 
deviations of the entire study area, herbaceous cover area and 
forest cover area respectively. If the correction is successful, 
the mean values of each cover types on the shady side should 
increase while those on the sunny side should decrease. For the 
values of standard deviations, if the correction is successful, 
the value of each class should decrease. Table 4 shows the DN 
mean value of different cover types on sunny slope and shady 
slope of band 4 before and after the topographic correction. 
Mean values on the sunny slopes are expected to decrease 
while those on the shady side are expected to increase for a 
successful topographic correction. 
Tables 1, 2 and 3 show that the cosine correction gives the 
worst result. There are significant decreases of the mean values 
together with large increases in the standard deviations in the 
entire image, herbaceous area and forest area of this image 
when compared to the original. From table 4, we can also see 
that the image is overcorrected as the mean values on the shady 
side become much higher than that on the sunny side. This 
supports and confirmes the general observation of 
overcorrection of previous researchers e.g. Jones ef a/. 1988. 
Surprisingly, the Minnaert corrected image, which gives the 
best appearance in visual effect, shows a decrease in the mean 
values and increase in the standard deviations among the three 
classes in bands 1, 2 and 3. But the extent is relatively small 
when compared to the cosine corrected image. However, band 
4, shows a decrease in the standard deviations for all three 
classes. Moreover, from table 4, the mean DN values on sunny 
and shady slopes are similar after the corrections. As a result, 
this minnaert correction can also be defined as a successful 
The normalization method preserved the mean values of the 
entire image and reduced the values of standard deviations. In 
the herbaceous area, the mean values decreased slightly and the 
standard deviations decreased in all the bands. In the forest 
area, the mean values increased in all four bands and the 
standard deviations decreased. The decrease of standard 
deviation is a clearer test of accuracy of each class. In table 4, 
it also supports the finding, the differences of mean values on 
sunny slopes and shady slopes reduced after the correction. 

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