Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 1 is a flow diagram of JPEG compression and 
(1) Color space conversion 
A source image represented in the RGB color space is 
converted into an image represented in the YCbCr color 
space in JPEG compression. 
Inversely, the transformation from the YCbCr color space 
to the RGB color space is executed in JPEG 
(2) Downsampling / Upsampling 
Data reduction of chrominance components Cb and Cr is 
performed in JPEG compression as required. Most of 
pieces of JPEG compression software adopt the 4:1:1 
sampling as the default setting. The 4:1:1 sampling means 
sampling four data of the luminance component Y and one 
data for each chrominance component Cb and Cr from two 
horizontal pixels by two vertical pixels. The 4:4:4 
sampling is also used, which means no data reduction of 
chrominance components. 
Restoration of chrominance components Cb and Cr to full 
size is performed in JPEG decompression if necessary. 
(3) Forward DCT / Inverse DCT 
The source image is transformed into the spatial frequency 
domain by DCT in JPEG compression. 
The compressed image data in the spatial frequency 
domain is transformed into the image domain by inverse 
DCT in JPEG decompression. 
(4) Quantization / Dequantization 
DCT-coefficient data are quantized in JPEG compression. 
The quantization table used in this step controls the 
compression level of an image. The quantization stage is a 
lossy process. 
Dequantization in JPEG decompression is performed by 
using the quantization table included in the compressed 
image data. 
(5) Entropy encoding / Entropy decoding 
Arithmetic entropy encoding is performed to further 
reduce compressed image data volume in JPEG 
compression. Huffman coding is a commonly used 
Arithmetic entropy decoding is performed in JPEG 
Figure 2. Test image (digitized color aerial photograph) 
In JPEG compression, the compression level of an image can be 
controlled by a constant, which is generally called the quality 
factor (Q-factor). Q-factor sets the quantization table. A higher 
Q-factor gives higher compression. A lower Q-factor gives a 
better quality image, but a lower compression ratio. Therefore, 
variable compression can be achieved by simply scaling the Q- 
factor. An important property of the JPEG compression scheme 
is the adjustment of the Q-factor to balance the reducing image 
size and degraded image quality. In fact, different JPEG 
compression programs have different Q-factors 
2.2 Evaluation of Image Quality of Reconstructed Images 
RMSE and PSNR are usually used to compare various image 
compression techniques (Santa-Cruz et al., 2000, Grgic ef al., 
2001, Taubman et al., 2002). Rountree et al. (2002, 2003) 
demonstrated the effectiveness of JPEG 2000 compression for 
remote sensing data by PSNR. 
Fukue et al. (1998, 2000) evaluated the effects of lossy 
compression of a pair of stereo satellite images by the accuracy 
of surface measurement. Moreover Li ef al. (2002) investigated 
the effects of lossy compression on the accuracy of 
photogrammetric point determination. 
Numerical evaluation of quality of a reconstructed image after 
decompression is seldom conducted. Al-Otum (2003) reported 
the experiment on various numerical measures to determine a 
proper measure of image quality of a reconstructed image. 
Since most of studies on assessment of lossy image 
compression utilized monochrome images and no texture 
measures for evaluation, results of the studies cannot be applied 
directly for GIS application. Therefore, we decided to carry out 
an empirical investigation into the effects of image compression 
on quality of color aerial images by using color and texture 
3.1 Test Image 
A color aerial photograph of a city taken at a scale of 1:7000 
was digitized. Scanning resolution was 40 um on the 
photograph, that is, 280 mm on the ground. Each color 
component (Red, Green and Blue) was quantized into 8 bits 
(256 levels). The test image of 4096 pixels by 4096 lines was 
extracted from the center part of the scanned image. Figure 2 
Image size 4096 pixels x 4096 lines 
Gray level features [R] [G] [B] 
e mean 149.2 141.3 142.7 
e standard deviation 75.1 63.4 48.0 
Color features [H] [S] [V] 
e mean 110.6 55.5 162.3 
e standard deviation 75.9 27.2 63.9 
GLDV [R] [G] [BI = 
e contrast 18.8 18.4 15.7 
e angular second moment 0.220 0.158 0.154 
e entropy 3.92 4.13 4.06 
e mean 10.8 11.7 10.7 
Fourier power spectrum [R] [G] [B] 
e mean spatial frequency 110.1 132.0 153.6 
Table 1. Statistics of test image 
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