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000 Standard
, Vol. 90, No.
LT. Antipov" Y. Kuchinsky", S.S. Nekhin", G.A. Zotov’, S.V. Oleynik*
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Siberian state academy of geodesy, Russia, Novosibirsk, Plakhotnogo street, 10,
Central research institute for geodesy, air survey and cartography
Russia, Moscow, Onezhskaja street, 26,
e. E ; ; :
State scientific production enterprise «Geosystem»,
Ukraine, Vinnitsa 600-letia 25, info(
KEY WORDS: Adjustment, Block, On-line, Software, Triangulation
Digital photogrammetric station TSNIIGAiK (DPS-TS) is the basic mean for image processing in the State geodetic and cartographic
service of Russia (Roscartografija). Now the total number of DPS-TS software installations exceeds 1300. So wide distribution of
DPS-TS testifies it advantages basing on reliable algorithms and carefully thought over technology of photogrammetric works.
In the paper the main features of DPS-TS software with reference to on-line triangulation are shown. The following concerns them:
interaction of several programs; the large palette of operations on repeating measurements, removing or adding of separate points,
models, strips, the non-standard configuration of the block; an opportunity of creation of a free or oriented network of practically
unlimited sizes; consecutive use of different methods of strip and block adjustment with the final stage of bundle adjustment; the
mode of definition of unknown weights of the control data; detailed recording of computing process and representation the results in
evident forms; use of conformal geodetic projections of three types (transverse, conic, stereographic) on any spheroid; well thought
over structure of the information in a computer and the big speed of calculations.
All together the listed above and other features make on-line triangulation on DPS-TS a convenient, flexible, precise and productive
technological process.
1. General information
Nowadays digital photogrammetric station (DPS) is the main
technical instrument for creation and revision of digital
topographic maps used on enterprises of State geodetic service
of Russia (Roskartografia) and Ukraine (Ukrgeodezkartografia).
The set of technological software have been developed in
cooperation of TSNIGATIiK (Russia) and SSPE «Geosystem»
(Ukraine) during last 10 years. The software automates all
photogrammetric workflow including bundle adjustment,
DTM/DEM creation, 3D-mapping and map publishing,
orthophoto, etc. Main DPS features were described in materials
of previous ISPRS congresses in Vienna and Amsterdam [1, 3 ].
This article shows some particular aspects in realization of
online triangulation and bundle adjustment process on DPS.
2. Main features of triangulation on DPS
DPS software includes “Triada” program for triangulation
measurements and “Photocom” rigorous bundle adjustment
program. The software complex now combines triangulation
measurements and control of results in the same technological
process. These processes were separated in previous software
releases that increased labor-intensiveness and decreased the
On-line photo-triangulation technology consists of the
following procedures and features:
o Creating and processing blocks of any configuration
and size;
o Control of current results on measurement stage by
adjustment of measured models and strips to check
and locate the blunders;
o Simultaneous visualization of six neighbor images for
convenient tie point selection and measurements;
Automatic tie point transfer onto neighbor images;
Visual stereoscopic control of any point as along strip
as between strips;
o Rigorous bundle adjustment and visualization of
residuals by vectors on all the block images;
o Calculation of absolute orientation elements for
further processing.
There are three main stages of the triangulation process on DPS:
creation of block layout project, triangulation measurements
and adjustment, merging of different blocks for their join
adjustment. Below is a brief description of whole process.
3. Triangulation measurements
The main feature of measurements process is simultaneous
visualization of two image triplets (from active strip and from
strip below). The measurements program interface is shown on
Picture 1. Measurements can be done in automatic mode with
correlation or manually in mono or stereo modes. Stereo mode
can be activated with previous or next image in the same strip as
well as with lower image from strip below. Various shutter-
glasses, polarized screens or stereoscope can be used for stereo