International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
A stochastic finite state automaton is a five tuple SA- (X, Q, M,
T , F) where Z is a finite set of input symbols for the strings
(the alphabet) , Q is a finite set of internal states, M is a
mapping of £X into the set of nxn stochastic state transition
matrices, 77 is the n-dimensional initial state distribution vector
and F is a finite set of final states.
Indeed the generation process from a stochastic finite state
grammar can be assimilated to a finite state Markov process.
Let Gs = (Vn, Vr, Ps, S) be a stochastic grammar, we can
construct a stochastic automaton SA = (Z, Q, M, % ), accepting
languages generated by Gg : T(SA)
The alphabet 2 is equal to the set of terminal symbols V ; the
state set Q is the union of the set of non terminals Vy and the
states T and R, state of termination and of rejection
respectively; T is a row vector with the component equal to 1
in the position of state S, the other components equal to 0; the
state transition. matrices M are formed on the basis of the
stochastic productions; finally a n vector m; represents the final
Let's consider the stochastic finite state grammar G = (Vy, Vy,
Ps , S), where:
Vu =(S, A), V1 = (a, b) and Ps :
S aA pl
A -»aA p-70.8
A b pz02
We have, according to the above described procedure: E = (a,
b), Q = (S, A, T, R), m =(1000),andF=T.
We can construct the transition state matrices M(a) and M(b):
S 01 0 0 S 0 0 l
M(a)=A 0 08 0 0.2 M(b)=A 0 0 0.2 0.8
T.0: 050 1 T. 10 .0..0 1
KO 070 1 RO 00 I
According to the Markov chains theory, we can calculate for
example the probability of the string x = aab.
M (aab) =m, M? (a) M (b) Tt;
0.08 0 02710 0. 0 ] 0
0 0.664 0 036 0 O 02 O8 |0
M(aab)-|]| 0 0 0 - 0.16
0 099 11pe 0 1 |
Qo o o IT» o o 1 0
If we calculate the probability of the string by means of forward
algorithm of HMMS, we obtain the same result.
Indeed, we can consider the hidden states: A and T and the
following parameters:
n(A)7 l, (T) 2 0;
aya = 0.8, apr = 0.2, arr = 0.8;
fa (a) = (A) ea(a) = 1;
fr (a) = X(T) er (a ) =0;
fa (a,a) = 0.8, fr (a,a) = 0;
fa (a,a,b) = 0, fr (a,a,b) = 0.16;
f (a,a,b) = fa (a,a,b) + f; (a,a,b) = 0.16.
If we calculate the probability of the string x= aab taking into
account how it is generated:
S — aA — aaA aab
we obtain the same result:
p(x) = p(aab) = 1x 0.8 x 0.2 = 0.16.
2.3 Application test
We mean to test a badly designed specimen either by proper use
of a normal grammar after a pre-treatment of the specimen, or
using from the start a stochastic grammar.
First, in order to evaluate how well such approach could be
applied to the automatic interpretation of images preliminary
tests have been carried onto simple geometric images.
It is here shown an example addressed to draft a possible
operational path for Parsing based pattern recognition of simple
geometric entities.
Fig. 1 Test image and polygon grouped pixels image.
An appropriate test image has been created showing three
different geometric figures: a rectangle, a scalene triangle and a
equilateral triangle. The goal is to verify if the implemented
grammar could correctly decide if one figure is or not an
equilateral triangle.
The recognition process goes on in the following way:
> a preliminary identification, based on radiometric/spectral
discriminants, of the pixels of the image probably
belonging to the searched objects is firstly carried out;
> the selected pixels are then grouped in different distinct
geometric entities using neighbourhood and region
growing criteria (different colors in the image below);
> foreach entity a frame window is clipped from the original
image and a Fórstner filtering and thresholding algorithm
is applied in order to select pixels most probably
representing the vertices of the figure which has to be
> assuming that figures are closed polygons vertices
coordinates are used to define length and direction of the
connecting lines. These are the geometric primitives used in the
parsing grammar. A simple translation from numbers to letters
(defined when grammar has been defined) allow to transfer
information to the parsing engine algorithm which has to decide
if the object belongs or not to the defined grammar, that is if
that polygon is or not an equilateral triangle.
All these steps have been implemented using the IDL
programming language. We do not intended to deeply describe
well known image processing algorithms. Otherwise, we care to
briefly describe how the parsing algorithm works. It has firstly
to be structured, defining the deciding grammar. This is a static
part of the program; in fact, once defined, it never changes
during the recognizing process. Changing grammar means to
change the program text. In the future we intend to define a
standard text file the user can fill off-line to define the different
grammars he wants to use. Such file could be directly be read
by the program while executing. Grammar has been structured
as a matrix, with a column number equal to the number of the
value .
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