International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
geometrically, should be used, so that the displacements could
be corrected straightforward. However, after the correction of
the objects displacements there remain empty areas without any
image information. These so called gaps necessitate filling up
with corresponding data from other imagery. Then the result of
the described process is a true orthoimage, which contains all
objects in their correct position. The procedure and the
geometric conditions are well understood and published many
times in the literature, e.g. Mayr (2002), Braun (2003).
But to put this common knowledge into practice is very
difficult, due to the fact that the data acquisition for detailed
modelling of the objects above the topographic surface by
photogrammetric methods is a very complex, sensitive and
time-consuming task. Even new techniques like laser scanning
methods could not solve the problem. However, a digital ortho-
image is only as accurate as the surface model provided.
Through the development of optoelectronic pushbroom scan-
ners a totally new approach for orthoimage generation became
possible. It is based on the special geometry of the new camera
systems, which should be shortly demonstrated.
In principle the pushbroom scanners follow the three-line
concept developed by Hofmann (1982). In general, there are
three (or more) CCD-lines which acquire image data of the
terrain surface continuously during the flight. At least one of
the lines is nadir-looking and thus provides image data in
parallel projection along the flight direction and in central
perspectives across (fig. 1). This means that — ideal flight con-
ditions assumed — the captured objects show no displacements
and are provided in their correct position in flight direction. It is
of particular importance that these results are independent from
the object heights. These geometrical properties have never
been considered in the traditional approaches for orthoimage
Figure 1. Data acquisition of a 3 line pushbroom scanner in
Now, the new approach makes use of this specific image
geometry for producing true orthoimages. For this purpose, the
surface must be imaged twice in two flight lines perpendicular
to each other. Thus, information about the correct location of
any point is given in two directions. This fact is utilized by
combining both data sets in order to derive data in parallel
projection, i.e. true orthophotos. Figure 1 shows the digital
airborne data acquisition by a 3 line scanner schematically. It is
sketched, that the overflown surface is imaged by three sensor
lines a, b and c, located in the focal plane of the camera lens.
Under regular flight conditions of the airplane the sensor line b
observes a differentially narrow line g of the terrain surface. By
a uniform forward motion of the acquisition system along the
flight line F and a constant appropriate recording rate, a strip of
image data will be recorded which presents the surface in
parallel projection in flight line direction. Due to the fact that
object displacements only occur along the sensor line, an
object, e.g. a house H above the reference plane in figure 1, is
leaned outwards in line direction. Thus, it exists a true ground
coordinate value in the flight direction, and this is independent
from the height of the object. This knowledge about the mapped
points in flight direction wasn't used so far. As already
mentioned, the new approach combines two strips in parallel
projection in order to derive a pair of ground coordinates with
correct values in both directions.
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Figure 2. Schematic generation of the true orthoimage by
means of the new approach
Figure 2 illustrates the main principles of the new approach.
The surface of the illustrated object, which perhaps represents
the roof of a building H, is imaged at position H1 by flight F1.
At the second level in figure 2 the same surface is imaged
towards the other coordinate direction by flight F2. By use of
the given coordinates, the image pixel or segment H can direct-
ly be mapped into the matrix of the true orthophoto TO.
It is evident that the main issue in this approach is to locate
corresponding points in both data sets and to connect them to
the correct attitude information. This could be achieved in two
different ways. The first one is the application of matching
techniques as they are well established in digital photogram-
metry (see e.g Scholten et al. 1998, Wewel 1996). The second
possibility for solving this task is making use of segmentation
procedure in order to map corresponding image segments into
the orthoimage. In this manner, the object displacements can be
corrected with the knowledge of the proper location coor-
dinates, and the final result will be a true orthoimage.
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