Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
MIF x,y)1=( W'S TFG + | WEI) (5) 
MIfQ xy) > T2} S 
Which is the modulus of the wavelet transform at the scale 
2' The maximum of the differences calculated at each pixel in 
the x and y directions are squared and summed and their square 
root is taken, which will be the modulus maxima (5). A 
threshold procedure is applied on the wavelet transform 
modulus image in order to eliminate non-significant feature 
points. Then, a point (x ,y) is recorded only if (6) is valid. 
T»? 7 a(o7 * uz), a is a constant whose initial value is defined 
by the user and o» and p ? are the standard deviation and mean 
of the wavelet transform modulus image at level 2 
respectively. The parameter a controls the number of feature 
points selected . Since the number of feature points increases in 
the finer resolutions the parameter a is also increased in the 
higher levels in order to select the most significant feature 
points in the images. The matching pairs of control points are 
identified using correlation. Reliable matches can be identified 
through consistenéy check and RMSE verification, which are 
used to determine a warping model that gives the best 
registration of the LL sub bands to the precision available at 
that level. Solving the warping model and determining the 
unknown coefficients create new pixel locations. Bilinear 
interpolation can assign gray values to these new locations. The 
point matching and image warping steps can be performed at 
progressively higher resolutions in a similar fashion to that 
described. The refinement matching is achieved using the 
warped image and the set of feature points detected in the 
reference image. After processing all levels the final parameters 
are determined and used to warp the original input image. The 
implementation issues are discussed in the next section. 
The FFT- based automatic registration algorithm relies on the 
Fourier shift theorem (De Castro, 1987), if two images I: and b 
differ only by a shift, (xo, yo), i.e. b (x, y)» hi [x- xo, y-yo], then 
their Fourier transforms are related by 
F (En) = e 1565 +m) F1(&;m) (7) 
The ratio of two images Ll: and b is defined as 
F1 ($3) * conj ( F($ )) 
Abs (F1 ($m) * abs (F ($9) 
Where conj is the complex conjugate, and abs is absolute value. 
By taking the Inverse Fourier Transform of R, we see that the 
resulting function is approximately zero every-where except for 
a small neighborhood around a single point (B.S.Reddy, 
1996) . This single point is where the absolute value of the 
Inverse Fourier Transform of R attains its maximum value. It 
can be shown that the location of this point is exactly the 
displacement (xo, yo), needed to optimally register the images. 
Then converting these images from rectangular coordinates (x, 
y) to log-polar coordinates (log (r,9)) makes it possible to 
represent both rotation and scaling as shifts. To transfer the 
image from rectangular to log-polar coordinates (Young. D. 
2000) the steps of the angle (Dtheta) and the logarithmic base 
(b) are calculated. In order to attain high accuracy, we must 
require that the polar plane have the same number of rows as 
the rectangular plane. The implementation issues are discussed 
in the next section. 
Mathematical morphology is a set-theoretic approach to image 
analysis (Zhongxiu Hu , 2000). The morphological filters, such 
as open and close, can be designed to preserve edges or shapes 
of objects, while eliminating noise and details in an image. 
Successive application of morphological filtering and sub 
sampling (A. Morales, 1995) can construct the Morphological 
Pyramid (MP) of an image: 
L=[(l.oK) eK]|d  L-0,2,...n (9) 
Where K is a structuring element, d is a down sampling factor, o 
and e are open and close filters. Thus the image at any level L 
can be created. The spatial-mapping function and parameters in 
MPIR are described by a global affine transformation. The 
global affine transformation (Allieny .S 1986, L.G. Brown 
1982), includes translation (tx, ty), rotation (0), scaling (sx, sy), 
and shearing (shx, shy). 
g1(X) = alx+a2y+a5S (10) 
gl(y) = a3x+ady+a6 (11) 
In addition to these errors this approach compensate for 
brightness and contrast (P.Thevenaz, 1998) variation between 
the images. The intensity-mapping function is defined as 
@ = à7 g1+ ag (12) 
g: and g»are the gray scale images. Levenberg - Marquardt 
(LM) algorithm used to estimate the transformation parameters 
iteratively. The LM nonlinear optimization algorithm is well 
suited for performing registration based on least-squares 
criterion. Combining the spatial mapping and the intensity 
mapping functions, we achieve the complete relationship 
between the two input images: 
g 2 (r,c)7| a; gi(p.q) *as] * n(r,c) (13) 
where n(r,c) is due to noise existing in both images, and the 
eight transformation parameters ax , k = 1, 2, ... , 8 are 
estimated using the intensity-based method for matching, since 
registration methods based on initial intensity values can make 
effective use of all data available. The parameters (al to a8) are 
estimated by the procedure similar to (Y.Keller, 2002). The 
implementation issues are discussed in the next section. 
Highest similarity between the input and the reference images 
indicates the proper registration of images. This similarity can 
be achieved by properly identifying the correct transformation 
procedure. Unlike traditional linear search, the GAs adaptively 
explore the search solution space in a hyper - dimension 
fashion (J.H. Holland, 1975, D.E. Goldburg, 1989), so that they 
can improve computational efficiency. 
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