fullscreen: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Horizontal cross sections with 1-meter interval were computed 
from the 3D surface model. The cross sections surface 
representation is simpler to manage and render with standard 
CAD software. 
ew of the 3D surface model (detail). 
Figure 1. Perspective vi 
Figure 2. Photograph of the tunnel in Fig. 6. 
As an attempt to evaluate the quality of the model, the points 
from the local network were compared with the model. Only 6 
of the 13 points fell inside this study area. They are too few 
points to consider the results significative and they are also 
poorly distributed: Points 4000-4002 are very close one of each 
KnownH Laser H AH 
Number Easting Northing 
2001 431226.611 4691455.977 1501.910 1500.986 -0.924 
2002  431239.628 4691461.193 1499.961 1494.111 -5.850 
4000  431555.676 4690889.853 1458.325 1458.053 -0.272 
4001 431567.400 4690893.977 1459.470 1459.192 -0.278 
4002 . 431572.284 4690888.450 1460.905 1460.510  -0.395 
6000 | 431522.593 4690889.032 1506.640 1506.695 40.055 
Table 2. Differences between final DTM and GPS network points 
Point 2002 was measured on a bridge and in the model this 
construction was removed. Without considering point 2002 the 
statistics of the results are: 
Number of points: 4 
Average of the errors: -0.223 m 
Standard deviation: 0.193 m 
RMS: 0.270 m 
An independent survey to evaluate the quality of the model is 
pending at the time of writing this paper. 
Alamüs, R., Bosch, E., Serra, A., Pla, M., Talaya, J., Miranda, 
J., 2004. On the accuray and performance of the Geomobil 
system. IAPRS. Istambul, Turkey. Vol. XXX. 
Baltsavias, E., 1999. Airborne laser scanning: basic relations 
and formulas. ISPRS J. Photogramm. Remote Sensing, 54; 199- 
Kornus, W., Ruiz, A., 2003. "Strip Adjustment of LIDAR 
Data”. WG III/3 workshop on airborne laserscanning, “3-D 
reconstruction from airborne laserscanner and InSAR data", 
8.10.03 - 10.10.03, Dresden. 
Ruiz, A., Kornus, W., 2003. "Experiencias y aplicaciones del 
LIDAR”. V Semana Geomatica, 11.2.03 -14.2.03, Barcelona. 
Serra, J., 1982. Image Analysis and Mathematical 
Morphology. Academic Press, London, 1982 
Talaya, J., Bosch, E., Alamus, R., Serra, A., Barón. A., 2004a. 
GEOMOBIL: the Mobile Mapping System from the ICC. 4th 
International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology 
(MMT'2004). Kinming, China. 
Talaya, J., Alamüs, R., Bosch, E. Kornus, W.. 2004b. 
Integration of a Terrestrial Laser Scanner with GPS/IMU 
Orientation Sensors. Istambul, Turkey. Vol. XXX, Part B3. 
TerraSolid, 2004a. TerraScan User's Manual. 
TerraSolid, 2004b. TerraModeler User's Manual. 
Vosselman, G., 2000: “Slope based filtering of laser altimetry 
data". IAPRS, Vol XXXIIL Part B3, pages 935-942. 
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 
Many people has been involved in this project. We want to 
acknowledge especially the help from the company Santiago & 
Cintra and the work done by Ernest Bosch, Miquel Soro, Marta 
Sastre, Miriam Moysset, Santi Sánchez and Jordi Hernández. 
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