Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 3. Motivations for using parallel projection 
Therefore, many space scenes, such as IKONOS, can be 
assumed to comply with parallel projection. The next section 
presents the different forms of the parallel projection model. 
3.2 Forms of the Parallel Projection Model 
Figure 4. Parallel projection parameters 
The parallel projection model, as shown in Figure 4, involves 
the following parameters: 
« Two components of the unit projection vector (L, M); 
e Orientation angles of the scene plane (w, @, K); 
e Two shift values (Ax, Ay); and 
e Scale factor (s). 
The non-linear form of the parallel projection model relating an 
object point, P, to its scene point, p, can be expressed as: 
X I X Ax 
y|2sA4R M |+sR"| Y |+|Ay B. 
0 N | 7 0 
(X, Y, Z) are the object coordinates of the points of interest, P; 
(x, v) | are the scene coordinates of the corresponding point, 
R is the rotation matrix between the object and scene 
coordinate systems; 
N is the Z-component of the unit projection vector - 1.e., 
N 2 J1- D - M? ;and 
À is the distance between the object and image points, 
which can be computed from the third equation in (1). 
The linear form of the parallel projection model is derived by 
eliminating À from Equations 1. It can be expressed as: 
x= À À + 4, ) + dal + 4, 
yadAhA! HAL + A, 
where A, to Ag are the linear parallel projection parameters, and 
will be denoted as 2-D Affine parameters (Ono et al., 1999). It 
is important to mention that Equations 1 are useful if the 
scanner navigation data are available. On the other hand, if GCP 
are available, the linear model in Equations 2 becomes easier to 
use. The transformations between the linear and non-linear 
forms and their relation to the scanner navigation data are 
included in (Morgan et al., 2004b). One has to note that a 
parallel projection between two planes becomes 6-parameters 
standard Affine transformation. This can be easily seen if we 
consider planar object space (i.e., considering Z as a linear 
function of X and Y in Equations 2). The next subsection deals 
with a pre-requisite transformation prior to handling scenes 
according to parallel projection. 
3.3 Perspective To Parallel (PTP) Transformation 
Original scenes captured by linear array scanners conform to the 
rigorous perspective geometry along the scan lines. Therefore, 
before dealing with the parallel projection model, Perspective 
To Parallel (PTP) transformation of the scene coordinates are 
required. Such a transformation alters the scene coordinates 
along the scan lines to make them conform to the parallel 
projection (Ono et al., 1999), Equation 3. 
| 1 (3) 
y = y rt a EE 
1— lan (y ) 
C is the scanner principal distance; 
y is the scanner roll angle; and 
y,» are the coordinates along the scan line according to 
parallel and perspective projection, respectively. 
One has to note that Equation 3 assumes a flat terrain. In 
addition, it requires the knowledge of the scanner roll angle, 
which might (or might not) be available from the navigation 
data. Therefore, it is preferred to estimate the roll angle together 
with the parallel projection parameters using GCP. Combining 
the linear form of parallel projection and PTP transformation 
results in: 
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considered as a 1 
model, by takin; 
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parallel projection 
array scanner scent 
The epipolar line 
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From Equation 5, 
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transformation can 
Figure 5. 
Xl] | cos (6 
X1 s|-sin( 
Y, S cos(0' 
y, — sin (6 
Qs, ys) are t 
Ey.) are t 
0,0 are the 
-Ay/2, Ay/2 are the 
lS, § are the 

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