Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Since Fant’s algorithm is faster than conventional re-sampling 
technique that uses low-pass filtering and sub-sampling, his 
algorithm is used as a warping procedure in this study. Also 
Fant’s algorithm has one step process comparison with 
conventional re-sampling technique (two step). In particularly 
conventional method has a complicated process (low pass 
filtering or interpolation) in the re-sampling process 
3.1 Object Extraction 
Since indoor stereo images have a simple back ground, the 
object of stereo images can be separated from background. 
Processing time is reduced and accurate matching result is 
given. This object extraction algorithm consists of six steps : 
labeling, top-down merging, bottom-up merging, renumbering, 
e o e eov e 
small region merging, and object extraction. 
3.2 Modified Hierarchical Block Matching Algorithm 
In order to reduce noise sensitivity and reach higher efficiency 
simultaneously, both the left and right images are low-pass- 
filtered and sub-sampled. We propose a modified hierarchical 
block matching algorithm shown in Figure 6. Hierarchical block 
matching algorithm used in this paper consists of four steps as 
Adaptive Mask Input Images 
LPF & 
Sub- Sampling 
Block Matching Using 
an Adaptive window Warping 
Next Level Disparity 
Figure 6. Modified hierarchical block matching algorithm. 
Step ! : Low pass filtering and sub-sampling 
Input images are passed a LPF(low pass fitering) and 
Step 2 : Block Matching Process 
Half-sized input images are used in stereo matching. 
Step 3 : Bidirection checking 
Disparity map that found in previous process is checked 
using the bidirectional constraint. 
Step 4 : Interpolation 
Remained disparity value is linear-interpolated. 
3.2.1 Block Matching Algorithm: First process is a block 
matching process. The result of this process is used to generate 
reliability function. The matching process is performed in 
parallel sequence. 
Distance-measure(D(x,y,d)), we used, is Mean-Absolute- 
Distance (MAD). Each disparity map is obtained by calculating 
the MAD between a pair of stereo images for a particular 
window size as Equation (2). 
N wv 
: |o € 
D(x, y, d) = arg min | — > lox My y) 
de(x,y) Inn NL 
Hmm em 
-HG d xy y) ; 
where d is the window shift in the right image, m and n are the 
mask sizes, w is the window size, and 7, and /, are the gray- 
levels of the left and right images, respectively. Here we 
employ an epipolar constraint to reduce computational cost, 
assuming that an epipolar line can be determined first. The 
value of d that minimizes the MAD is considered to be the 
disparity at each pixel position(x, y). 
3.3 Reliability Generation 
In order to estimate reliability of matching points, we use 
matching constraints: uniqueness and smoothness. Other 
constrains are considered in matching process. 
3.3.1 Uniqueness Constraint: A given pixel from one 
image can match no more than one pixel from the other images. 
However, bidirectional check shows that each disparity value 
has small difference in Figure 7. And the bidirectional check 
distance is defined as 
o ID, (x. y) - D, (x Dy(x, y)) ; (3) 
The uniqueness condition can be tested for each sampling 
position (x,y). The deviation & can be seen as measure of the 
right image 
left image 
Figure 7. The bidirectional check. 
Where à describes the difference given by the relation (3). In 
order to consider how much input image satisfy the uniqueness 
constraints, the following reliability function is employed: 
Te md (4) 
Where ^»: threshold 
Ó : bidirectional check distance 
where fp; represents the uniqueness reliability, & is bi- 
directional check error, and 75. is minimum threshold. 

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