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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
The difference between the two contours is caused by different
photographic conditions and inaccuracy in the model. There are
three basic approaches for merging two polygons: polynomial
transformation, triangulation transformation and polyline
projection (Filin and Doytsher, 1999). The third part consists of
generalization operations such as simplification and smoothing,
which can be implemented by using a knowledge base, in order
to facilitate the final mapping of the building. Application of
this part is neither presented nor detailed in this article.
Sm(Z Zn xix, 7 x )rhrs X(yyr aln)
XsSx(nx(X,-x)trix(y,-)-nxf)* X,
‚MX -Xo)+r2(Y-Yo)+rz3i(Z-—Zo)
r13(X — X0)+r23(Y — Yo)+r3(Z — Zo) (6)
Pr2(X — X 0) +r2a(Y — Yo)+r32(Z — Zo)
ri( X — X 0) +r23(Y — Yo) + r33(Z — Zo)
x= xo- f
y = yo -— f
In the course of research, a semi-automatic system for building
mapping from a medium image scale (~1:40,000) was
developed in order to examine the algorithm efficiency. The
system enables opening a pair of aerial images, in order to
perform a manual vote on the wanted building roof in the left
image, mapping the 3D building contour and transferring it to a
Geographic Information System in a local coordinate system.
Since the aim was to develop a semi-automatic approach for
constructing and updating the buildings layer of the GIS, the
Israeli national GIS was chosen as the pilot environment and
the same conditions used for its construction and updating were
retained. The Israeli national GIS has been characterized by
Peled and Raizman (1997) as follows: (a) mapping is based on
photogrammetric mapping of 1:40,000-scale air photographs by
I and 2™ class photogrammetric stereoplotters; (b) the
planimetric and altimetry accuracies of the mapping are + 2
meters, suitable to the 1:5,000-scale traditional mapping; (c) the
level of mapped details is according to regional mapping at
1:10,000 scale; (d) the DEM is measured at 50 meter resolution.
The experiments were conducted on two residential building
areas in Tel-Aviv using two medium scale (~1:40,000) aerial
images scanned at a pixel size of 14 Lm . The first test area was
in north Tel-Aviv and included 80 residential buildings, while
the second was in central Tel-Aviv and included 97 residential
buildings. The chosen test areas were large enough and
represented buildings in a flat crowded urban area. The
buildings had 4-24 corners and most had few floors and flat
roofs. Figures 2, 3 present the 2D building extraction in the left
and right images of both areas. Figure 4 presents the semi-
automatic building mapping (dark) upon the manual mapping
(bright) in both areas.
Results are analyzed separately, as qualitative results and
quantitative results.
4.1 Qualitative Results
In the qualitative analysis, the aim is to evaluate whether the
approach is practical, i.e., what percentage of buildings can be
mapped using this approach. For this evaluation Eq. 7 was
employed, where BSM is the number of buildings successfully
mapped, BPM is the number of Buildings partially mapped,
BNM is the number of buildings not mapped and K is a weight
for evaluating success in the BPM category (k=0.5). Table 1
presents the success percentage in each test area. These results
show that a significant percentage (76%) of the buildings was
mapped. However, the major innovation is that the operator can
see at a glance all buildings that can be mapped using this
approach. Therefore, even if the success rate was smaller, it
would still be efficient to use this approach initially and
complete the mapping by using the traditional method.
Buildings mapping rate =
BSM * k- BPM (7)
_— x 100
Test Area North Center
BSM 62 66
BNM 12 26
Mapping Rate (%) 81% 71% 76% |
Table 1: Success percentage in each test area
4.2 Quantitative Results
The quantitative analysis was based on comparison between the
3D buildings contours extracted using the semi-automatic
approach and 3D manual mapping of these buildings made by a
professional operator using the same images and same solution
model. The deviation vector d = [dx dy dz] of each
building corner from the manual mapping and the closest point
on the semi-automatic building contour were measured.
Altogether 1444 deviation vectors belonging to 139 buildings in
the test areas were measured.
Testarea | dX (m) | dY (m) | dZ (m)
Mean North 0.22 -0.12 0.44
RMS 0.72 0.59 1.06
Mean Center 0.27 -0.19 0.12
RMS 0.70 0.67 1.35
Relative 1444
: 0.71 0.63 1.21
Accuracy vertexes
Table 2: mean and RMS of the deviation vectors.
Based on 1444 deviation vectors between the manual and the
semi-automatic mapping, the relative accuracy (semi-automatic
to manual) was calculated. In Table 2, the mean and the RMS
of the deviation vectors in each area are presented.